Chapter Seven: Closure

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The flames are comforting to me, they bend and twist like dancers in a heated and desperate tango. I take deep breaths, the air is getting warmer and the oxygen is slowly being eaten away. But somehow I don't need it. The fire doesn't hurt me.

My fire rises and the rest of the rooms are being burnt even more than they were on that day all those years ago.

I haven't moved from my spot on the old and matted rug.

It's nice. It feels like closure.


That's what this is. That's what this feeling of peace, serenity, calm, really is.

I place my flaming hands to my eyes, the ash covering me in its blanket.

I hear her steps before I see her enter. The girl from the last fire. I look at her, our eyes link and she sends me a confused and concerned gaze.

I only send her a smile.

I'm sure I look insane, I'm sure she is debating on whether or not to take me to the police. She can try, she won't succeed.

"Are you... are you alright?" She asks, slowly stepping towards me.

"I'm great."

She nods slowly and continues moving closer. She sits in front of me, mimicking my crossed legs.

"You sure like getting yourself into these situations," she says lightheartedly.

I smile slightly. "This one I started," I tell her, "the last one I didn't."

She nods slowly again as if trying to grasp why I did it. But not being able to figure it out, she asks.

"Closure," is my response.

"Closure?" She repeats.


"Burning this building down on top of you would give you closure?"

I shake my head. "No, just burning down the building. It landing on top of me would be a plus."

"Why would that give you closure?"

"I lived here once."

She nods, as if she could possibly know and understand what happened.

"You're not leaving here without a fight, are you?" She asks.

I shake my head again.

"Please, I don't want you to get hurt. At some point you'll have to leave, the building is unstable enough as it is."

"I need to make sure it burns."

Starling sighs and stands up. "Will you leave if I make you?"

I smirk slightly, closing my eyes. "You can try, but I don't budge easy."

She reaches for my arm and tries to pick me up but I blast my black flames at her with my free hand. She lets go and stumbles back, looking at me shocked before looking at her suit. I notice the black singe on her from my flames. I could see her skin peeking out from where the fire burnt it away.

"You have powers?"

I shrug as if it's the easiest thing to understand. "I told you I'm not moving."

She purses her lips and looks at me, she's deciding what to do. "I can't let you stay here," she says at last.

I let out a breath and stare at her, standing up. "I'm not moving."

"I don't want to fight," she says.

"Well, I kinda do."

We take off in a battle. Dancing like the flames and yet it's so much more. The shadows cast a movie of every jab and punch we send to each other.

Gwendolyn Porter (Avengers Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now