Chapter Fifteen: Good Gone Bad

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Get ready.
~ Sweets.


April stares me down, her bright blue eyes peering into me, "You took my key, didn't you?"

"You're smart, hun, but sometimes you can be a little blonde."

"That's a very hurtful and uncalled for stereotype and I'm very disappointed," she says, turning back to the shelves full of identical leather books.

"What're you doing?" I ask, dangling my legs and swinging them back and forth.

"I'm... I'm looking through my fathers old journals," she says, fiddling with the rim of one of them.

"April..." I say warningly.

"I know, I know! 'Don't do that to yourself,'" she says for me. "But I can't help it, I miss them, Gwen."

"I know April, I do too," I say quietly. I loved them, when they died it felt like it did when I lost my mom. Except, I actually cared about them.

"Well, I might have a better use for your afternoon planned," I tell her.

She looks at me curiously. "Oh yeah?"

I smirk and nod.

"This better not be like the summer of 2013."

"You're never going to let that one go, will you?"

She giggles and tosses the blonde curls from her face. "No, that was terrible," she says.

"I admit, it wasn't the best of my ideas," I allow.

She laughs and shakes her head. "That's an understatement!"

"This idea is way better than that one!" I say defensively.

"Alright, what is it then?"

"You'll see when we get there," I say, not helping the mischief coming out in my words.

I allow her to get dressed, and rush her out the door to the subway. We watch as an old man in the corner shouts about how "The world is going to end!" And "God is judging you!"

Finally, we get off and walk to the mall we have located in the center of the city. Its large, and encased with glass ceilings. The Avengers accidentally tore it down, it took a few years, but Tony Stark paid to rebuild it.

I see Peter before she does, she's looking around the shops, distracted as she always is.

But then he catches her eye. He scratches his arm nervously and looks up at the balloon that says, 'Get well soon.'

I trot up to him and punch his arm. "You had one job!" I cry, "It was supposed to say 'I love you!'"

He massages his now wounded arm and frowns at me, fully offended. "This was all they had!" He defends.

April walks up and we quiet, both looking at her. Her eyes are watery and she smiles as a tears slips from her eye. "I'm getting better by the second," she says.

I smile and punch Peter's arm again. "Told you she'd like it."

"No you didn't!" He says.

"Sorry, Parker, you just don't know her like I do," I tell him, leading the way into the bowling alley.

I turn around and see April hug him, kissing his cheek. Nasty. "Get a room or get your butts in here! I am not going to be a third wheel!!" I yell at them.

They laugh and April wipes her tears and Peter blushes. They obey and follow me, April picking up the pace to walk beside me, Peter doing the same to be at her side.

Gwendolyn Porter (Avengers Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now