Chapter Thirteen: Good Ice Cream, Bad Choices.

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"Okay now listen, Elliot," April holds my future dates collar tightly, "You hurt my girl, I will do unspeakable this to you. She is my sister, and I swear if my sister comes home crying I will make sure you never step foot in New York again."

Elliot removes himself from April's grasp. "I promise you, Gwen will come home happy and well fed."

Oh my god he's taking me to get food.

April hugs me. "Call me if anything happens."

I'm getting food. This boy is already on my good side.

I hop into Elliots little car with a broken windshield and we drive off.

"So," I question, "how did that happen?"

He grinds his teeth. "Well, I was driving and some rock hit it. I don't know where it came from but it happened and I haven't been able to fix it since."

Understandable. Stuff like this happens often in New York. Except I've never owned a car, people usually take the subways or taxis.

I turn on his little car radio slightly, The Neighborhood plays in the background.

"So where are you taking me?"

"Ever been to Coney Island?" He smiles lightly.

I jump up in my seat and grab the car door, "When I was little I went all the time with my dad! I haven't been there since I was like 5!"

I see a light sparkle in his eye. "Well thats where I'm taking you. Theres this little ice cream joint that I am fond of."

Our car ride goes by pretty quickly and soon enough we are by the beach. I run out of the car and to the pier.

I lean over the side, allowing the cool air to push my hair back. The sun kisses the ocean lightly, making a beautiful reflection. I smell the ocean breeze and the sweetness of the sand.

"Gwendolyn, the ice cream place is down the boardwalk." Elliot pulls me out of my moonlight day dream.

We walk down the lit boardwalk, hand in hand, talking about our lives and what we plan to do. Finally we get to the ice cream place.

"Luna's Ice Cream," I repeat the name. It sure is a fitting title.

The woman over the counter greets us. "Hi! What can I get you this fine night."

Elliot answers first, "Mint Chocolate Chip please. And whatever she wants."


As we pay we sit outside the store, licking our cones, I take in the air around me. I haven't felt this amazing in years. It seems as if I haven't allowed myself to enjoy life.

"So do you plan on staying in New York? Or traveling?" Elliot asks me.

I ponder over this, leaving New York means leaving April and Loki. But it also means starting fresh where no one knows your past. No S.H.I.E.L.D. No fires. No drunk mothers.

"Thats a problem for future Gwen. Present Gwen just wants to enjoy this date." I lick the ice cream dripping down my cone.

Elliot places his head in his hand. "Not a planner huh?"

"No I'm very live-for-the-now, because the future is uncertain. After so many expectations not being met, I've chosen not to set any. Makes life easier."

"I respect that."

We spend a good hour outside of Luna's Ice Cream, until they close down and tell us we need to go.

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