Chapter Eleven: Beware

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April lays so peacefully next to me, snoring every so often. Shes so beautiful. Her hair is this gorgeous sunset blonde that shimmers in the lighting. Her cheekbones standout along with her hooked nose. Her eyes are like almonds that grasp the ocean inside them.

God I wish I was as pretty as my best friend.

The clock reads 5am, so I leave her a note saying I had to leave for work.

I pass her closet as I leave, hm, it wouldn't hurt to take a few clothes. So I steal a green flannel and some of her denim shorts. She wont notice, hopefully.

Walking up to Loki's Lair is probably the most normal, routine thing to happen to me as of late. I enter the long-winded code and the door opens to me.

"I'm home!!" I yell into the air. The smell of oil and smoke take over my nose. Oh I miss it.

"Gwendolyn! Come in here and help me!" I hear the deep voice of Loki calling me farther into his lair.

He hovers over the same contraption he was working on just a week ago.

"Don't blow it up this time," I joke. He doesn't take it too lightly.

He stops and stands up fully, a towering height above me. If I were to stand on my toes I still wouldn't reach his face.

"Welcome back," he says coldly.

I feel the air shift and my heart stop to admire what I have missed. His long black hair hangs on his shoulders, and his icy-blue eyes lighten.

I straighten myself up as if to appear taller, "Thank you. Glad to be back."

"We need to talk."

"No we don't." I shrug and walk back to his little living room.

He follows, and I hear his little grumblings knowing I won't budge.

I plunge myself onto the couch, tossing my feet on the table in front of me. He places himself across from me and for what seems like years we just stare.

"You're going to tell me about what I saw during our encounter with that reptile." He smirks.

"Listen if you could even comprehending where I came from, you would be terrified of me," I put my feet down and bring my elbows to my knees.

He grabs his little remote and flips the TV I brought from home on. The news is plastered with images of me. My face is not seen, I'm covered by a thick layer of ash on my nose and around my eyes. This is all from my encounter with The Scorpion. Loki is shown but briefly. It seems as if New York is truly done with this God running around ruining the town.

"Explain that Gwendolyn." Loki shuts the TV off and stares until I'm able to give him an answer.

I get up and pace around the room. "There is nothing to explain. You saw what you saw and that's that."

He shifts himself to my body movement, "Gwendolyn, mortals don't just form into black fire! Explain yourself!"

"Fine!" My voice is raised and I feel myself getting hot with anger. I sit myself on the table.

"Loki, I truly don't know how to explain it. I was literally reborn as darkness. That's all I know."

"So how did that happen?" He inquires.

My mind races back to that dark day. Cold and gloomy as it sounds it was also relieving and sweet.

"My mom died when I was 6. So it was just me and my dad for a while." Its so silent that I can hear a wheeze in Loki's breathe. Has he always had that?

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