Chapter Eight: Daddy Issues

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The moon and the stars kiss to create a milky way sky. I lay on my back, across the building Spider-Man left me at, lost in my own thoughts.

The firemen have already put out my fire, and the police are probably trying to find the arsonist now.

My powers are not even from this dimension, so the chance of them finding me are slim. If anything, I did this town a major favor, those apartment buildings were an eyesore.

I wipe the ash covering my eyes and nose. I pull my hoodie above my head, pulls the strings to hug my face.

I hear a door behind me open, and I instantly put my guard up.

Its the police, I think, they're going to put me in prison forever. I'll never see April again. Or Loki. Or even that stupid little Peter.

I brace myself for the worst.

"Gwendolyn?" I heard that voice earlier today. I turn around to see the brown haired hazel eyed beauty from the mall. He wears a plain black shirt and some jeans. His converse have dirt stains on them, but the laces seem oddly clean.

A warm smile crosses my face. "Why hello Elliot." I pat the ground next to me.

He places himself at the edge of the building. "What are you doing here?"

"I could ask the same," I retaliate.

The smell of smoke and ash linger in the air. I stare down at my home, nothing remains. The firemen tried to put everything out, but some wood panels continue to fall to the ground below.

Elliot pulls out a box holding a small Peanut Butter and Jelly sandwich, some baby carrots, and an apple. "I work at the motel a few buildings down. This is the only place I can take my break in solitude." A can of beer sits next to him. Great, more alcohol.

I chuckle and pull my jacket sleeves lower to my hands. "I heard there was a fire, thought I would come check it out."

"You into arson?"

"I'm into letting the past go," I stare into his light hazel eyes. The embers leftover from the fire dance off them, beautiful.

He bites into his sandwich. "I respect that," he says with his mouth full. "You got a boyfriend that lived there or something?"

Ever-so subtly, I scoot myself closer to him. "I wish." He notices and does the same. "Nah, I use to live there. I heard it burned down and wanted in on the action."

Nice one Gwen, I mentally high five myself.

I catch a small smile on the corner of his lips, "Now thats awesome." He bites into a carrot and stares into the city. "Sure is beautiful ain't it?"

"What? The fire or the city of secrets?"

"The city. There's so much beauty and life to capture."

I agree to an extent. I was exposed to too much at a young age, I don't think I want anymore this city has to offer me.

We sit in silence for a bit more, just allowing the city to take us in her cold arms. For some reason, I find myself laying my head on Elliot's shoulder.

"Want a baby carrot?" He offers me.

I accept and take it, it cracks as I snap it in half and crunches as I chew it. He smiles at me before looking away.

I grab his beer from the side of him. I take a big swig and feel it burn the insides of my throat. "Ugh how do you drink this stuff?"

The most beautiful sound escapes his lips, a laugh. "Not much of a drinker I see."

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