Chapter Twenty-Two: Into the Mind, Part 1

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Loki makes his way towards the top of the bed. He places his hands to the sides of my head and looks down on me.

My heart races, god I don't want to feel that pain again. I look up at him and he looks down at me. Our eyes lock and he smiles slightly.

How the heck does he look down and not have a double chin? How the heck does he look so freaking perfect?! God I hate this god.

"Alright Gwendolyn," Dr. Stephen starts, "when Loki goes into your mind, you'll be the one controlling where you both go. He will only be there with you, following your lead, but keeping you focused."

We look at each other and then nod to Stephen.

He continues, "I'll be out here, us three will be watching for who the other person is. You two will be connected by this tether," he says, waving his hand and the circle with my strand of hair cuts in half, slithering around the both of us, literally linking us at the hip. "And Gwen, you must stay focused. If your train of thought goes somewhere else quick enough, the tether could break, and you and Loki will be separated, leaving him to wonder in your mind."

Yeah thats not gonna happen.

I nod again, this whole ordeal is stupid. I don't want to do this. I don't want these people looking through my head.

"Are you ready?" He asks.

We nod.

"Alright, go ahead Loki."

I close my eyes and feel Loki place his hands on my head. Then I'm zapped into a cloudy place, the sun is rising and fog covers the ground so I can't see my feet. Where am I?

I turn and see Loki looking around and taking in his surroundings like I am.

I put my hands on my hips. "So, how does this mind space work, mister magic?"

He looks around, eyes taking in everything, until centering back on me. "This is the blank space," he says, "I feel like you're here a lot."

"Wow thanks." I snap.

Loki smiles to me, showing off his snarky attitude, but his demeanor becomes serious. "You need to think about that day," he tells me.

I bite down on my lip almost hard enough to draw blood.

"I promised myself I wouldn't," I mutter. Thats probably why it's pushed so far away. I never want to think about it.

"And I'm sorry," Loki says, almost sounding genuine, "but we must stay on task, or else you will slowly lose your mind to whoever is able to speak to you."

"What do you mean?"

"Feeding you ideas that drove you into a frenzy? Come on, Gwendolyn, you can't say you don't see the effect it's had on you."

I stay quiet. I feel angry because I can't see. Is there something I'm missing? Something I don't want to see?

I growl and start to think about that day. Suddenly wind whips past us, the scene coming towards us and clearing the fog.

It's dark, clouds fill the sky, Loki and I are staring out a large window on a high skyscraper.

I turn around to see a little girl holding the hand of her father. Her hair is pulled back into pigtails, her light up shoes sparkle with every step she takes. She's about the same girl who started speaking to me. She's only eight, short, happier than the one in my head.

I feel my heart break apart, she is so happy. I don't want to break it.

I begin to run after her, but Loki's arm wraps around my waist and pulls me back.

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