Chapter Twenty: Pinkie Promises

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My bloodcurdling screams cause Peter to jump out of his chair. He looks around, asking for help but no one is around.

Loki bursts through the corridor, quickly making is way towards me and places his hands to my temples.

"I thought I told you to get out of my head," I say, hating the sound of weakness in my voice.

His voice is as serious as the situation. He closes his eyes. "Shut up Gwendolyn."

I hear him whisper words in a language I cant understand. Suddenly the headache goes away, the pain stops, and I lean back in my chair. My head continues to throb from the pain. But at least I'm not screaming.

I stare up at him, eyes gaping. "What did you do?"

Dr. Strange comes in, I look behind him and notice April is there too. She conceals herself as if she is too ashamed to look at me.

Loki rests his hands on the back of my chair above my shoulders and watches the doctor walk up to me. Doctor Strange gets on his knees and stares into my eyes.

I take in the fact that his blueish grey eyes have hints of emerald green hiding in the back. His goatee appears to be just shaven to the most perfect shape. I can tell he's very careful with his hands.

"Gwen," he says, "look me in the eyes."

I frown but obey, going back to my first task.

We're quiet for a long time. Just staring. It's like the most intense don't blink contest I've ever been in, except, it's easy, because my eyes don't feel like they have to blink. Though, I can't say I'm not beginning to feel uncomfortable.

"Doctor–" Loki starts.

Stephen holds a finger up and hushes him, not breaking our eye contact.

Out of the corner of my eye I see Loki's grip on the chair tighten. I want to smirk and look at him, rub in the fact he feels threatened. Not being the only sorcerer in the room not fitting you huh Loki?

But I don't move, Dr. Strange's eyes captivating me like a spell I can't break out of, which it could quite possibly be.

Finally, he breaks our contact, bowing his head in thought for a second before nodding.

"It's as I feared," he says, standing up but looking down at me.

"What?" Loki and April ask at the same time.

I look at her and she looks at me, she actually looks at me. I can see her exhaustion radiate off her as a being. Her ocean blue eyes being tainted with red, dark circles beneath them, even the way she holds herself screams that she didn't rest.

"There was someone else in the realm at the same time as Gwendolyn," he says factually.

"Alright, but what does that have to do with anything?" April asks. "Why is that effecting her?"

Dr. Stephen hums and walks around to the middle of us. All of a sudden we all shake and appear in front of a blackboard in another room. My stomach feels like it's upside down and I see Loki, April, and Peter stumble around. Thank god I'm sitting.

Dr. Strange's cloak reaches and grabs a white piece of chalk, handing it to him.

"Thank you," he says to it.

Our eyes widen and he starts to draw. I eye the cloak, the rims turn and seem to look at me. My eyebrows shoot up. I can see Loki's mouth hang, probably in jealousy. It waves its tip, and Peter of course waves back.

"So," Dr. Stephen starts his lecture , "this is you." He points to the filled in little white dot amidst a much bigger, unfilled circle.

"This is the Dark Realm," he says, pointing to the larger outer circle.

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