Chapter Nine: I'm no Hero

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The Scorpian sneers and ignores my comment. "You'd make a nice hostage," he says, his scorpion-like tail slithering toward me.

I scoff. "Honey, you do not know what you're getting yourself into."

This doesn't seem to be the response he wants though because his tail stops and he stares at me curiously.

I send him a mock solute and pick the guy up from under his arms. Quickly dragging him back and laying him down.

The scorpion follows me and sends his stinger to wrap around my body. I duck in time and jump towards him. My hand becomes the void and I punch him, sending him through the controls for the subway and out into the tunnel.

He rolls a bit but I just continue to help the conductor, slowly inching him closer to the rear of the subway.

Eventually the Scorpion comes back, this time with a vengeance.

"What are you? Some kinda hero?" He accuses.

"I'm no hero hun, I'm a chick with anger issues. And if you're thinking about getting on my bad side, I'd suggest you reconsider," I say, not being able to help the insane smirk that makes me feel giddy.

I am so ready to fight.

He glares at me and his hands ball up, knuckles turning white.

I'm gonna need more space, and to get out of the same room as the unconscious conductor. Don't want any casualties.

He runs at me but I jump up onto the seats, bolting behind him and stopping with a smile.

"Gonna have to be quicker than that Hard Shell!" I call before taking off into the tunnels.

I hear his stomping footsteps behind me, but he's not fast enough to catch up. I turn around quick and put my hands together, sending a combined blast straight into his armored chest. I should have been enough to knock him out but this guys pretty dang tough.

He growls and gets back up. There isn't much distance between us and I expect him to run at me, not send his stinger right at me.

I put up my palms to protect myself as much as I can, but the impact never comes.

I throw my hands down and stare. There's a long haired man standing between me and Scorpion, holding his hand as if his stinger was in his grasp.

I'd know the back of that head anywhere.

I look at him with my eyes and mouth gaping open. "Loki?! What the heck are you even doing here?!"

He turns around and stares at me, then back to Scorpion in front of him before looking back at me again. He puts up his pointer finger and opens his mouth.

"I was... um... I was making sure you got around safely," he says uneasily, sending a blast of sparkly Tinker-bell magic at Scorpion and sending him into the front of the train.

"You were stalking me?!" I scream.

"I wouldn't use 'stalking' as the word..."

"Of course you wouldn't," I mumble, rubbing the bridge of my nose and shaking my head. "Why were you stalking me?"

"Following, from a safe distance," he corrects.

"I'm not exactly in the mood for this right now? So could you do me a favor and tell me before I decide to be done with you entirely and leave?"

He glares at me as if a warning but his face softens. "I was worried something happened to you, but from the looks of it you're handling it quite nicely."

Gwendolyn Porter (Avengers Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now