Chapter Fourteen: Clarity in his Eyes

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I don't know how it happened, I don't know how I feel about it. I'm so taken off guard that I can't even move. I feel his warm breath brush against my cheek and I bet he can feel mine too. His hand is still tightly on my wrist, holding me against the cold stone wall. I can fight back, I can send him flying, but I don't. I just stare into his hard blue eyes. My chest rises and falls as my breathing is quick and rushed, my heart racing a mile a minute.

I don't know what to do, I don't know how to react. I feel the need to punch him or kiss him. My heart is telling me the latter, but the fact that I even thought of kissing him just ticks me off.

He takes deep breaths which I assume means his heart is racing as quick as mine. His expression softens from anger to calm. The clouds in his eyes part and his blue eyes are bright and clear. He searches my face, I don't know why, and I don't know for what, but it makes my stomach turn. I feel his grip around my wrist loosen and soon he's not holding on at all, my hand dropping to my side.

But neither of us move. Our bodies still nearly pressed together. I feel like there's some kind of spell that's keeping me from moving, from reacting, and by the looks of it, the same thing is happening to Loki. His arms are towards me, not touching but reaching, just slightly.

I try to wet my dry mouth and attempt to speak. But nothing comes so I close it with a snap.

He smirks slightly and I see him look at my lips. I don't know what to make of it, my heart skips beats that it needs to pump blood into the rest of me. He's always been attractive but I've never been attracted. And the rate of my heart kinda makes me feel like I am. Or maybe that's the fact he's still only a few inches away from me.

In any case, my attempt to talk seems to have broken the spell between us because he steps back, still smirking. He holds his hands behind his back and raises an eyebrow at me.

I get ahold of myself and cross my arms. "You pinned me up against a wall?! And what was that about?" I ask accusingly.

He chuckles deeply and walks away. "I'm not entirely sure," he says.

"'Not sure' my butt," I scoff. "I know I'm irresistible but you could at least try to control yourself," I tell him.

He looks back at me, amused, almost as if his plan was complete.

"I suppose I should be on my way," he says, walking towards the door.

"Yeah," I say. My stomach doesn't seem to like the thought of him leaving but once I punch myself it shuts up.

He leaves me with the sight of his sparkling mischievous blue eyes and a smirk on his thin lips.

I watch the door for a few seconds before turning and getting ready for bed. It's late, I've got to get sleep. I haven't talked to April about the date and have no intention of letting her know I was arrested. Well, it was more like detained.

Still, if she ever found out she'd have a fit and I'd never see Elliot again.

I lay in bed and he comes back into my mind. Elliot. I like him, I like how he makes me feel, he doesn't test me and he makes me smile. We can be witty and sarcastic to each other.

But that makes me think of Loki. The way he was looking at me. His eyes intense and his full attention on me. It felt good, he wasn't ignoring me or focused on his contraptions or his reading. I held his full attention, which is really something when we're talking about Loki. He puts himself into everything he does, but when it comes to people, he's always reserved and guarded. Whatever that was, it was intense and clear, it was just us, the two of us and our thoughts.

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