Chapter Eighteen: Violated

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Back in the motel room, I lay on the bed, twiddling with the fingers on my left hand. Loki sits at the edge, hand in hand with his own thoughts.

I can't shake the feeling that someone, or something is watching me. They're trying to get inside my head and break me, maybe thats why I had those memories.

Either that or I was just overdue for a mental breakdown.

My phone rings in the corner of the room. "Loki, I can't get up."

He sulks over to my phone. "Elliot," he growls.

"Hand it over."

He does so begrudgingly.

With my right hand I press the green button. "Hey."

"Hey, I just wanted to see how you were."

"Fine. Now what's the real reason you called?"

I hear deep breathing, but its not Elliot. "Do you like animals? Cause I was thinking we could go to the zoo and laugh at-"

I cut him off. "Listen Elliot, I can't make our date. Something came up."

His voice deflates. "Oh, well do you need anything?"

"No, I'm fine. I'm just leaving town for a while."

"Do you want me to check up with April?"

Almost immediately I stop him. "No! No, its fine. Don't tell her anything. Please."

I hang up the phone with nothing more than a goodbye.

So we sit there, Loki at the edge of the bed, me laying down staring at the cottage cheese ceiling. We sit in silence and I can't say I don't cherish it. But then Loki has to open up his big mouth.

"Gwendolyn," he says, "shouldn't we talk about last night?"

"What are you, a therapist? Haven't you got your own mental issues to deal with?" I spit.

He gives me an exasperated glance, his eyes parting from his book for only a moment before returning. "But you did nearly kill me. Also you managed to pull off a break and enter."

"Loki, you killed 80 people in two days," I snap.

"We all have our quirks," he says easily, making me roll my eyes and smirk. "But yours tend to borderline insane and it's becoming an issue."

"Oh yeah, sure, because pulling out some guys eye for a retinal scan isn't insane," I say sarcastically.

"I..." he starts, "Yeah, I don't believe I have an argument for that one."

I chuckle and shake my head at him. He looks at me and smirks slightly. But then his expression dulls.

"You should talk about it Gwen, many Midgardian books suggest communication is a vital factor for getting better."

My heart starts to feel tight, I don't want to talk about it, I'll never talk about it, not in a million years. My cheeks warm in anger as I think about it.

"I don't want to, Loki!" I yell.

"But Gwendolyn!" He disagrees.

"No!" I scream. My hands light in a blaze and I shake them to put out my fire. Calm the heck down Gwen.

"Then you leave me no choice," Loki says, moving towards me.

I watch him with a glare on my face but before I can move away his hand is placed on my forehead. I feel him enter my mind and memories, and I'm forced to watch as he does.

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