Chapter Four: How to get a Guy

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I feel like punching something.

No, April would be upset. And the last thing I want to do is upset her.  So I nod and plaster on a fake smile that burns. "Don't worry about it, tomorrow sounds good."


"Go April," I tell her.

She lets out a sad breath and keeps steady eye contact with me before disappearing out the door, running down the stairs with that Parker. That stupid Parker.

I lie down on the couch. Feeling drained and numb.

How could she chose him over me? What does he have that I don't? Why has she been so distant lately? Did I do something?

When don't you do something, I think.

She's been so busy with Peter I feel like she can't even see how alone I feel.

You're a jerk and she's finally realized it, I think.

Is that it? I can be a little rude at times... angry all the time... but we've been through so much, she's just head over heels for that guy. That's all... right?

After a while of staring at the ceiling above me and pouting like a child, I realize something. The day is still young, I could go shopping, I could go get my own froyo! I could go to some club–maybe not that one, I haven't hit that low. Yet.

I jump up and pocket April's spare key, she forgot to give me one since she moved, this will compensate. She's got her own anyways she can get in.

I hop over to the subway, allowing it to take me where it needs me. If people don't want me, I don't need them. They can skip off.

Maybe a little window shopping and maybe some actual shopping will lift my mood.

And it kinda works.

I look through the graphic tees, there are a couple that I like, one I might actually buy. Gotta weigh the expenses if you know what I mean.

It's a shirt that says, "Do I look like a freaking people person?" I like it, it's black and the words are white. It fits me nicely and it's comfy! As t-shirts usually are.

I think I might actually get it. I put it on my arm and look at the rest. This store draws me in like a fly trap. The chokers, death metal bands, and overall darkness makes me feel whole.

After I buy my shirt and put it on I wander around the mall. White surrounds the walls and a glass ceiling hangs over my head. Thats really unsafe.

My mind races back to Loki. Dark god of Asgard. There was once a time when he was actually kind to me.

He's tall, dark, and handsome. What every girl wants right? But he's the biggest jerk in the world. Its no wonder his own brother can't stand him.

I sit at the bench and watch people as they go around and do stuff. Girls talk to their boyfriends, teenagers loiter, old people stand at the same wrack of clothes for fifteen minutes. Ah, the life. I barely notice a man sit on the bench beside me until he puts his bag down next to mine.

I look at him, he's got high cheekbones, brown hair pulled back into a man bun but short underneath. He has deep brown eyes and dimples, I admit, he's cute.

He catches me staring and I smirk and look away. He smiles at me.

"Hey," he says.

"'Sup," I reply, not looking at him, instead checking my Instagram.

"I see by your shirt you're not looking for a conversation but can I just say... I love that shirt?"

I snort and raise an eyebrow at him. "You must be a smart guy for figuring that one out."

Gwendolyn Porter (Avengers Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now