Chapter Three: April Showers Bring Gwen Home

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Do I feel bad for what I said? No. Should I? Maybe. Will I? No. He has what was coming to him.

Stupid. Stupid. Stupid, I think.

It was silly to think he actually had some sort of human feeling for me. I'm nothing but some lowly henchman to him.

I pull up to the little grey apartment my best friend April Addison dwells in. I knock on her doctor's jacket white door, eyeing the little potted plant next to me. Since when was that put there?

Suspicious, I pick it up to reveal a spare key she left underneath.

I unlock the door and push it open. "You know, for someone that graduated at the top of her class, you would think she would leave her spare key somewhere more secure!"

A scream from the shower ensues the whereabouts of my dear best friend.

"Hello my dear April Showers!" I burst through the door.

Through the bright green shower curtain, a Suave bottle is thrown into my direction. "Gwendolyn Porter I swear I'm going to kill you!" she screams.

"See you say that at least once a day and I'm still here."

"Just you wait!"

"Its been many years hon, I don't think I'm going anywhere anytime soon!"

"Shut up and toss me a towel you idiot."

I do as she obligates me to.

She steps out of the shower, water still dripping down her legs. "You're the absolute worst, you- woman, what happened to your face?"

No amount of makeup can cover up the bruise on the side of my nose.

"Fell." I say coldly.

Her hair is dripping wet, yet it stays in its bright, blonde, bouncy curls. Little freckles dot her cheeks like star constellations, and her ocean colored eyes reflect nicely against the white walls.

Sometimes I get extremely jealous of her. I mean look at her, she has the body of a supermodel, and the height to prove it. She can get any boy she wants just by saying "hello." Yet, she chooses to stay with that Peter Parker dude.

He ain't that much in my opinion.

"So Gwen," April interrupts my thoughts, "what brings you into my home?"

Why am I here? Oh right Loki.

I sit down on the toilet seat as she finishes drying herself and getting clothes on. "Okay, so my boss is getting super on my case lately."

"But why? You're a good receptionist."

I sigh, she believes I work at some prestigious banking firm in downtown.

"Can you put some clothes on and then I'll tell you my issues." I cover my eyes from her.

"Oh yeah sorry!"

"Okay," I start again, "my boss has been getting very annoying lately. He won't address me by my name, he acts like he cares but really all he needs me to do is fetch him food and supplies, and he needs to know my every move! I got so mad at him because its like a double standard you know?!"

April slips her green ACDC shirt over her head. "He may have deep emotional issues from his past, man."

Oh girl you got no idea.

"I just wish he had some respect for me. I'm not just a puppet."

April sits at the edge of her tub. "Have you tried talking to him?"

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