C1- A New Beginning

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Gai's POV

Here it goes. A brand new show. After the championship I am clearly exhausted. But... I'll do anything for Miyo. She means the world to me, wether she likes it or not, i'm never giving up on her. I just hope that Charming Gold isn't gonna be included.
"Isn't this exciting!?", Liu asked. "Yeah! A new show with more fans for me!!!", Lonky said in excitement. The others glare at him. "What!?", he asked as we shake our heads and wait. "What are you looking at?", Miyo asked referring to me. I didn't notice that I was staring at her for so long. "Oh! N-nothing", I give her a sweet smile and a nervous chuckle. She glares at me while I rub my neck. "Ehem", Popo said. "Sorry to ruin your moment here guys but I think the show is starting", Liu said. The others slightly laughed and Miyo rolled her eyes. "Sorry. We just got distracted", a nervous laugh escaped from my mouth. "Welcome to the first ever Running Man Competition, House Edition!", we heard someone say. "Now let's meet our contestants", the voice said. The next thing I knew was that we were floating and being dragged to the stage by these floating pads below us. Some loud music plays when we get there. "And now... The maker of this show...", the robot said. Please don't be Charming Gold, please don't be Charming Gold. I look at the others and they also seem like they're hoping that there's no Charming Gold. "Let us all welcome.... Crystal Feathers!!!", all of us let out a breath that we were holding and looked at Crystal Feathers. Crystal wasn't acting like "i'm very famous and i'm more loved than you" you know? That same old crappy stuff. But instead, she was nice and she even gave away some posters and such. "Hello viewers! I am Crystal Feathers. You can trust me. I am not like Charming Gold so don't worry. You'll be safe", she explained. Phew. "Well. That's good to know", Pala said. We nod in agreement.

—————— EDIT——————
Hey guys! So some parts of this chapter was deleted so you may not understand the next chapter. I will now rewrite the missing parts of the chapter.

"You all know the running men right? Well, there will be two new contestants!", Crystal Feathers exclaimed. "Ugh. At least let there be another girl here. I don't want to be the only one!", Miyo complained. "Please welcome Lyss the Bunny and Kent the Dog!", Crystal said. "Finally!", Miyo said. Lyss came rushing in and Kent was behind her. They landed their pods and looked at us. "Hey guys!", Kent said enthusiastically. We waved back, still confused because of the unexpected arrival of the new contenders. "Why don't you say hi Lyss?", Kent asked. Lyss grabbed his collar and said, "You can't tell me what to do dog!", Lyss said which made Kent gulp and run behind Kuga. "Hmm. I like her", Miyo whispered to me. I smiled at her and she smiled back. Oh. my. gosh. Did she just interact nicely with me? It's been such a long time. I can't think properly. Omg Omg Omg Omg Omg Omg Omg Omg Omg Omg Omg Omg Omg Omg Omg Omg Omg Omg Omg Omg Omg Omg!!!! "GAI!", someone shouted. "Huh? What!?", I screamed. "You're spacing out", Liu said. "Oh. Hehe. Sorry, I got distracted", I said while probably blushing. "It seems to me that monkey boy has a crush on the kitty", Lyss said. My face felt really hot. I whisper to Liu, "Is it that obvious", he nods in response. I sigh and say, "I guess it can't be a secret now that it's really obvious". "Well that's no surprise", Lyss said. "Everyone please get your belongings and go to the house", a robot said. So, I grabbed my bags then hugged Miyo really tightly. She shuffled in place and said, "Hey! Let go of me", while blushing. "The robot said to get your belongings right?", I said. "Yeah, so what?", she said. "Well...", I said. She raised her eyebrow and stopped shuffling. "You... belong to me", I said as she blushed really hard. "Aaaawwww", Liu said. "That is so cute!", Popo shouted. "So sweet", Kent said. "Adorable", Lonky said. "Yeah yeah. You guys are cute now let's go", Lyss said. "Aaawww is someone jealous?", Kent asked. "What? No i'm not! I-i'm just tired...", Lyss said. We raised our eyebrows at her. She pulled her hood down and blushed. "Ugh! Don't look at me like that!", she said as she blushed even more. We laughed at her and I heard Kent mumble, "Cute", behind me. "What was that Kent?", I asked. Miyo smirked at him and raised her eyebrow. "Huh! What? Uhhhh nothing", Kent said. "Hmph. Oh how the tables have turned", Lyss said then she hopped to the door. "Hey! Wait up", Kent said then went after her. Well this was more fun than I expected! I hope it'll be like this for the rest of the show. I really hope for that.

To be continued...

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