C6- Terrible Surprises

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Spin's POV

It took 3 hours for Lyss to build us our rooms and for only one doing that, it's very impressive. "It's finished!", Lyss shouted as she stumbled into Kent's arms, almost falling down. Kent made Lyss sit down and gave her some water. "What happened to you?", Popo asked Lyss. "She worked too hard", Kent said, looking worried. "Should I give her one of my energy herbs?", Pala asked. "No no", Lyss said. "I'm fine", she continued. Shan gave Kent a towel and he started to wipe Lyss's face while holding her close. Lyss suddenly turned pale. "Oh no", Miyo and Rema said. "Why? What's wrong?", I asked. "If any type of hybrid goes pale, it means he or she is terrified or it means bad news", Rema explained. "What happens?", Kent asked. The two stayed quiet. "TELL ME!!!", Kent asked while tearing up. "They suffer through a horrible fever that leads to having hyperventilation, lots of allergies, internal pain and stress", Miyo said sadly. Lots of tears rolled down Kent's face. "No. No no no no no no no no no!", Kent said. "This can't be happening!", he continued. "Is she gonna be okay?", Liu asked. "Fortunately, yes. But she will be healed in less than two weeks", Rema said. Kent hugged Lyss tightly while crying onto her shoulders. "Please be okay. I don't want to lose you. Not again", Kent whispered into Lyss's ears. "Again? You already lost her?", Gai asked. "Yes. It was when we were still kids. I lost her because they had to move. She didn't even tell me. Then after one year, I found her. Then I almost lost her because of an extreme sickness. I don't want to lose her. I promised her that I would always take care of her but now I broke that promise because of this horrible situation!", Kent explained while crying. The rest of us started tearing up. "I never knew that you went through all of this", Kuga said. "Yeah. You were always so enthusiastic and happy", Lonky said. Kent just kept sobbing as we all looked at him sadly. "We should take her to her room and each one of us should take turns on keeping her safe", Liu suggested. "No. I'm gonna take care of her. I promised her and I can't brake her promise anymore than this", Kent said as he wiped his tears away. "Are you sure?", Miku asked. Kent nodded. "Lyss. Can you hear me?", Kent said. "Lyss please", he continued. "Alyssa Mina Hopper I know you can hear me. Please", Kent screamed while tearing up. Lyss shuffled slowly as Kent smiled and hugged her. "K-Kent. I-it's gonna b-be o-okay", Lyss whispered softly. Kent kissed Lyss's cheek and held her face. "Don't ever scare me like that okay?", Kent said. Lyss nodded and closed her eyes.

We brought Lyss to her room and put her on her bed which is huge by the way. "How come this room is bigger than any other room?", Alto asked. "She reinforced it all by herself", Popo explained. "Wow, impressive", I said. (Get the reference? XD Ok i'll stop now ~Athena) "Yeah...", Kent said while looking at Lyss. "You okay bud?", Miku said. "No", Kent said sadly. "I really hope that she'll be okay", Kent said. "Don't worry. She will", Miyo said. "Guys, I don't wanna ruin this moment but we need to go to sleep", I said. "I agree. Where do we sleep?", Airi said. "Maybe you can sleep with me", I told Airi, being flirty. "What if I do?", Airi said as she smirks and gets closer to my face. I immediately feel my face getting red. Wow, this girl can flirt! "Okay okay stop it you lovebirds. Lyss built one extra room, separated from the others but it doesn't have enough space for the both of you so Ashley, you're gonna have to sleep in with Liu in Kent's bed", Shan said. "What!?", Ashley and Liu said. "You have to! Unless you wanna sleep on the floor tonight", I said. "You know, there is a cou-", I nudged Gai and he whispered, "Ooooooohhhh I get it". "Anyways,  we really gotta sleep guys", Rema said. "Yeah! A prince needs his beauty sleep", Lonky said. "Me too", Alto said. We all went to our room. "Woah this place is huge", Shan said. "Yeah, yeah whatever. I'm gonna go to sleep", I said as I flopped onto the bed. "Okay? Uhmm good night I guess", Shan said as I drifted of to sleep.

Hey guys. A few more words were cut off so I hope you don't mind if I put some more. Anyways, I'm really busy this week and I just got my phone but I'll be going on check ups to see if I have asthma or not because I have been hyperventilating so much and if we don't get the results, the school will ban me from going to school until we fix this. I hope you guys understand. That's it for today! Bye guys.

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