C9- Secrets and A Love Untold

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Gai's POV

The past few days were hard work for the group. We decided not to tell the others about our plan because we knew at some point that it would be ruined because of them. We are currently sorting all of our decorations while Kent is cooking.

"Hey, can you get the-", Kent was cut off.

"What's happening here?", Lonky said while peeking through the door.

"WAH!", the four of us said.

"Lonky, what are you doing here?", Liu said while hiding a box.

"I don't know. You guys just seemed suspicious in the past few days", Shan said behind me.

"H-how did you get there?", Spin asked.

"What are you hiding?", Airi asked Spin while moving closer to him.

"N-nothing. This is nothing!", Spin said while smiling weirdly.

"Can you guys please get out now?", Kent asked politely.

"What if we don't want to?", Lonky asked.

We were all shocked as to what happened next.

Kent rushed to Lonky, Airi and Shan and put them out the door in a flash. He then locked the door.

"H-how did you? What? Huh?", Airi said.

"Let us in you.. you.. creature!", Lonky said.

"Incredible", Shan said.

"You can go away now", I said

"This is ridiculous!", I heard Airi said behind the door whilenwalking away.

The four of us laughed and continued doing what we were doing.

"Wait, what was I doing?", I said.

They all facepalmed and said, "Oh, Gai", as I scratched the back of my neck.

"We have to finish this by tomorrow so we can prepare early in the morning", Liu said.

"I love mornings!", Kent said.

"You love everything", Spin said as he slouched.

"That is true", I agreed.

"Well at least I stick to the positives!", Kent said while smiling.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever. Let's just finish this", Liu said.

We sorted all of the decorations and the food and went to the living room to eat dinner with the rest of the group.

"Something bothers me with the four of you", Alto said as she pointed to me, Kent, Spin and Liu.

"W-what do you mean?", I asked.

"Come on. It's not like we don't notice you guys being together all the time. I mean, Liu doesn't even sleep in our room anymore", Ashley said.

We looked at Ashley when she said that and Liu just blushed.

"Are you... jealous?", Miku asked Ashley.

"W-what? Me? Jealous? N-no way!", Ashley said.

"N-n-no way!", Airi said while immitating Ashley.

Ashley glared at Airi as she laughs. We join Airi in laughing not long after. After that moment, we engaged our own conversations and the table was full of laughs, teases, jokes and screams by someone who got her hair wet *cough* Alto *cough cough*.

"Time for bed, guys!", I shouted as the others finish cleaning.

They went to bed but the four of us were wide awake trying to make a plan, again.

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