C15- Wait what?

375 9 34

Third Person POV

It was 2:00 in the morning. A certain monkey couldn't fall asleep.

"Hey, Miyo?", Gai said as he walked into her room.

"Hmm?", Miyo said while half-asleep.

"Can I sleep here? I couldn't really doze off", Gai said, his cheeks reddening as he saw Miyo sit up.

"Of course", Miyo smiled and moved over so that he has space to sleep in.

With no hesitation, Gai gently laid down on her bed and faced Miyo. She was looking right at his eyes. Gai smiled as he hugged Miyo, her face in his chest. Miyo hugged back and they fell asleep.


"Wake up, sleepy-head!", Lonky said while going into Miyo's room.

Miyo had agreed to help Lonky with teaching him some fighting strategies after the incident.

"Gah! Be quiet!", Miyo hissed while throwing away the covers, showing Gai in her bed with her.

At the sight, Lonky gasped and went outside, shouting at everyone to go to Miyo's room. Out of annoyance, everyone followed what they were told and were surprised at what they saw. They tried their best not to wake them up as they took pictures and memorised the scene for they were fans of this ship as well.

"What's going on here?", Lyss asked after running into them in the corridors.

"Come see for yourself", Liu said as they cleared a path for her.

Lyss gasped and looked at the two in Miyo's bed before remembering something.

"Everyone, out now!", Lyss whisper-shouted.

"But wh-", Popo was cut off.

"I said, out!", Lyss said as the others scrambled, leaving Kent behind.

"Man, does anyone even know what privacy is anymore?", Lyss face palmed.

"Hey", Kent said to Lyss.

"Oh, hey", Lyss said as she closed the door.

Inside the room, Gai opened his eyes, secretly thanking the cat and rabbit hybrid for shoo-ing everyone away. He looked at Miyo and smiled. After all this time, I can't believe that you finally accepted my love, he thought while looking at her. He kissed her forehead and was about to go back to sleep when a robot came out from the floor.

"Wake up! Wake up! An announcement! Please go to the living room!", the robot chanted.

"Ah! Stupid robot!", Miyo said as she threw a can at it.

They had no other choice than to go outside to the living room. In there, Miku, Airi, Ashley, Lyss, Kent, and Kristel were sitting with bags beside them. They looked sad and nervous.

The first to move was Airi. She ran up to Miyo and hugged her while crying.

"I'm gonna miss you!", Airi said while hugging Miyo tighter.

"Wha-? Why? What's happening?", Miyo asked.

Once Airi stopped crying, she went back to her seat.

"You'll see", Ashley said while sniffing.

"Ashley?", Liu asked.

"Y-yeah?", Ashley asked.

"Are you guys leaving?", the group cried at what Liu said.

"Ah! N-no! Stop crying!", Liu said while trying to contain them.

"I w-wish we co-uld stay l-longer!", Kent said while crying.

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