C23 - The End

496 15 16

~Huge time skip~

Miyo's POV

Here we go.

I'm finally getting married!

A few months have passed and the wedding day is here.

"Okay, it's time. Calm down, Miyo." Lyss said, freaking out.

"I should be telling you that." I chuckled.

"I'm sorry it's just.." She looked into my eyes while wearing a bright smile.

"My sister's getting married! I'm so proud of you." Lyss said while hugging me.

"Thank you but you're making me tear up! The make up's gonna get ruined."

"Yeah, sorry." She smiled while sniffling.

Right after we let go, the wedding planner walked up to us.

"You can go out now." She said, smiling.

I nodded and walked to the door, my parents grabbing onto my arms.

"You ready, sweetie?" My mom said.

"Ready as I'll ever be." I said as they opened the doors to the garden.

Wedding music can be heard while I walked to the stage. We chose a nice garden wedding and a beach reception. As I walked down the grassy isle, I started having flashbacks. Flashbacks of when we first met, our first fight, our first date, times when he teased me, times when he flirted with me. All of those and more.

We went through a lot but we're here. We're finally here. The day that I've never thought would happen. I remember what I said when I was little.


"Mom, why do you always wear that ring?"

"It's what people wear when they get married." My mom said, opening her hand to show the ring better.

"Why do people get married?"

"It's to be together with the person you love forever."

"That's gross, love is gross!"

My mom giggled before talking again.

"You'll know how it feels to love one day."

-End of Flashback-

"Mom, you were right." I whispered.

She looked at me and smiled, understanding what I meant.

After a minute, I finally reached the stage. My parents squeezed my arms one last time before letting go. I looked at them and saw tears in their eyes. I looked at my friends and saw that they were crying too. I then looked at my groom. He was smiling. I've never seen him smile like that before. Once I got on the stage, I stared at his eyes.

"You're beautiful." Gai said before wiping a tear off his face.

I said nothing but smiled wider than I ever have.

And so, the wedding has officially started.

--- (Time skip cause idk how to write wEddings)

"You may now kiss the bride."

My eyes widened. We've never really kissed before. Gai looked at me with embarrassment, shyness, and love all in his eyes. He lifted my veil and stared at my eyes, then my lips. With one swift move, he kissed me. I kissed back. A loud round of applause surprised me as we broke the kiss. I looked at our audience and smiled widely.

"Congratulations." The priest said as Gai hugged me and spun me around.

This has gotta be one of the happiest moments of my life.

--- (Another huge time skip cause Ive lost control of my life)

"Mommy, look!"

"What is it, hun?"

"I draw us!"

My daughter said, showing me a drawing of her, me, and Gai.

"Good job! Show it to your father." I smiled.

She nodded and ran off to see her dad. I stood up, walked to the balcony, and sat on the seat.

"The view is breathtaking, as always."

"Well, not as breathtaking as you."

I looked behind me and saw my son.

"Wha? Who taught you that?" I chuckled as I picked him up.

"Daddy did!"

"Great job, sweetie." I smiled.


"Gai, what are you teaching him?"

"Oh, nothing, heh." He smirked.

I heard a knock on the door. After putting my son down, I walked to the door. I opened it and saw Lyss.

"Hey~! The favorite aunt is here!" Lyss chuckled, Kent smiling behind her.

"Hello." I smiled and let them in.

Not long after, the twins and their aunt were bonding. I sat down, enjoying the presence.

"How is it?" Gai asked me.


"How's life?"

I closed my eyes and giggled.

"It's perfect. Alk thanks to you." I said to Gai.

He smiled and sude-hugged me before looking at the children again.

I couldn't have had it any other way.

Words: 700+
Not Proofread

Aaaaaand that's the short end ^^
Sorry that it was really short! I lost ideas >~<

Thank you so much for reading this until the end! I appreciate each and every one of you guys! I love all of you ♡

That's all!

ASP 💜💚💙

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