C3-P2 The First Game

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Popo's POV

So. I have one coin so far and I need to find more. I was just hunting for coins when I heard something near Kuga's room. I poked my head through the door and saw Lonky and Kuga. "Stop choking me!", Lonky shouted. "Stop messing with me!", Kuga argued. Can you keep a little secret? I know it's wrong but I kinda ship Lonky and Kuga. Just a little bit. Don't tell anyone ok? Oh who am I kidding! Why am I even talking to myself anyway?! Ugh, I gotta stop doing that. I then heard someone cough. "Popo, were you stalking us?", Lonky asked with his hand on his hip. Kuga crossed his arms and shook his head. "You know that's wrong right?", Kuga said. "I-I wasn't stalking you guys! In fact, I was just looking for some coins", I said then smiled sweetly. They raised their eyebrows at me then ran on different directions. Phew! That was close. Welp, time to search for some coins!

Athena's POV

HAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHA I HAS TAKEN OVER THIS FAN FICTION MWAHAHAHAHAHAA *clears throat* Anyways. I'm just here to show you a picture of Lyss before we go into her POV.

 I'm just here to show you a picture of Lyss before we go into her POV

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Here is some more.

Here is some more

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Dat is awl

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Dat is awl.

Lyss's POV

Aha! Another coin. So far, I have four coins. I guess all my training really was useful. I then saw another coin and decided to take it when I bumped into someone. I looked up to see Miyo. "Oh hey. Sorry, I didn't see you", Miyo said. No one sees me. "It's Ok. So umm hey. I wanted to ask you something", I said. "Go ahead", she said. "Do you like Gai?", I asked. She immediately blushed and said, "W-what? No! No no no, I don't like him! H-he's just someone that I know", she said. "Well, okay then", I said. I took the coin and looked around. Just then, I saw Gai behind Miyo. "So that's what you think of me? Nothing more than a being? Not even a friend? Wow. I am hurt", Gai said to Miyo. "Err Gai! Wait!", Miyo shouted. Gai left the room and Miyo went to go after him. Well that was hard to watch. I guess I should just leave that to them. Then, I ran off to find more coins.

Gai's POV

I can't believe what I heard. She just knows me as someone in the world. She doesn't even consider me as a friend. Let alone a lover. I wish I didn't fall for her that easy. I guess I'm gonna have to forget my feelings for her since she doesn't have feelings for me. UGH! What was I even thinking?! I am so stupid! Who was I to think that she likes me? I went to a corner and put my head on my knees. Then, I cried. I know I shouldn't cry but it makes me feel better. "Hey Gai. You okay?", someone said. "Whoever you are, please go away", I replied. "But, I want to know what happened", he said. I now realised that that guy was Kent. "Just ask Lyss", I said. "But I wanna hear it from you", he said. "Kent I said go away!", I shouted louder than I should've. After I said that, I heard him get up and leave. "H-hey Gai", someone said. "Kent, I said leave!", I said. "Well, that would be hard since i'm not Kent", she said. I look up and see Miyo. Oh gosh. She looks so angelic! GAHH! Get away feelings!!! I pushed her gently and buried my face to my knees and tried my best not to cry. "Gai. Please. Let me talk to you", Miyo said, pulling me closer. I shuffled back to where I was and started to cry. "G-Gai. Are you-", I cut her off. "No!", I said then looked up at the wall. "Gai, please talk to me", Miyo said. "How can I talk to someone who hurt me the most?", I said then ran away. More and more tears fell down my face and I kept wiping them away. I just can't deal with this right now. I know that we're still playing this game but I don't even care if I lose. Besides, I have three coins. I just have to get off the things in my mind to forget her. But she always goes to my mind! Her luscious pink hair, her beautiful smile, her gorgeous face and everything she does is just so breathtaking! I can't even forgive myself for ignoring such a wonderful feline. I just can't forget her! Miyo you can brake my heart in two but when it heals it beats for you. Oh, I don't know what to do. It's like my head's stuck in a shoe. Oh, why can't I just forget you!?

Ooooooo some dramaaaaaa!
Oh umm *clears throat* what will they do? Blah blah blah and all that Yeah we get it.

To be continued...

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