C12- Rescue Mission

489 14 22

Sorry for the long wait 😅.

Disclaimer: This chapter may have suicidal content so if you're sensitive with that topic, please skip the part with this sign - 🛑🛑🛑

Gai's POV

"Think. Who could've done this?", I asked while walking back and forth.

"Maybe Charming Gold?", Miyo asked.

"He's gone, isn't he?", Lonky asked.

"I might know who she is", a random feline said while leaning on the wall.

"Who are you?!", Liu asked.

"Meme?", Miyo asked.

"Hey there, sister", 'Meme' said.

"What are you doing here? Oh, wait. I really shouldn't be surprised", Miyo crossed her arms.

"Enough chit chat. I know who's behind this", Meme said.

"WHO!?", Kent asked, more like screamed.

"It's Crystal Feathers. But—", Meme was cut off.

"WHAT?", all of us shouted.

Kent stood up and was about to go outside but he was stopped by Kuga.

"Let me go! I need to find her!", Kent shouted with tears running down his eyes.

"You didn't let me finish!", Meme said causing Kent to stop walking.

"It might be Crystal but she isn't like that. Her eyes went all red when she ordered the ninjas to go get your friends. I think she was mind controlled", Meme said.

"How do—", Liu was stopped.

"I work for Crystal. I'm her assistant", Meme said.

"WE NEED TO FIND HER", Kent broke down to his knees.

Kristel and Miku cried with him.

"It's gonna be alright", Airi said.

"My sister's with them too. I can't lose her twice!", Liu said.

Ashley caressed Liu's back once a tear fell down his face.

"They're all alright. We need to make a plan if we want to see them again", Meme said.

"I'll do anything!", Kent cried.

"Stop crying, bud. They'll be okay. She'll be okay", I said.

"I just can't imagine losing her three times already. Three freaking times! Why won't they take me instead?", Kent cried harder.


"That's it!", Kent shouted and ran to Lyss's room.

We followed him and saw him going through Lyss's stuff. He was crying the whole time. He looked underneath the bed and brought out a box. I could see something shiny in it.

"What is that?", I whispered.

Kent took one of those things and I saw...


I quickly pulled Kent's arm to stop him from doing whatever he wanted to do.

"DON'T STOP ME!", Kent screamed.

"YOU DON'T HAVE TO DO THIS, KENT", Miyo shouted while grabbing the other arm.


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