C3-P1-The First Game

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Lyss's POV

"No. You can't know the truth. I-i'm sorry. You just can't!", I shouted. "But I need to know! Why are you keeping secrets from me?!", Miyo asked. "I... I-".

I shot up from my bed and looked around. Oh, thank God! It was just a dream. I thought that it was real! It felt so real! I just can't let her know the truth. She'll hate me.

A few minutes later, Kent came bursting in, "WHAT HAPPENED!?", he shouted. I screamed since I was shocked. "WHAT THE HECK!!! UGH WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT!?", I asked, shouting back. "ARE YOU OKAY? I felt something when you were having a bad dream", he said. Oh no. Did he see my dream? I hope he didn't. "D-did you s-see what happened i-in my d-dream?", I asked, constantly stuttering every second. He shook his head, saying no. I exhaled, feeling relived. Even though I met him since I was a kid, it doesn't mean that I would share all of my secrets with him. "Hey guys. We better get going. The game will start soon", Gai said while peeking through the door. We nod our heads and get up.

"Hey guys. What's up?", Liu said. "The sky is!", Kent said. "Ha. ha. Very funny K",I said. Kent crosses his arms and pouts. "I'm just messing with ya! Your puns are great. I just don't laugh",I said while caressing Kent's cheek and going back to reading. Kent smiles and plays with his fingers. All of a sudden, "THE GAME WILL START VERY SOON", a robot said. "GAHH", Popo screamed while throwing a soda can at the robot. The others laugh at him and get ready for the game.


"This game will be called as Coin Collector!", the robot said. "Each of you will be searching for coins in different segments of the house. The one with the most coins collected will be the winner",he added. "Are you ready running men?", Crystal Feathers asked. We all nodded. "Let the game begin!", she shouted. And with that, we went on different ways and looked for coins.

Miyo's POV

I was just looking for coins but then I bumped into someone. I looked to see who that was. It was Gai. "Hey there Miyo! How are you?", he asked. I rolled my eyes and ignored him. He caught up with me and pinned me to the wall. "HEY! Let me go!", I said while probably blushing really hard. "You know, you can't just ignore me forever", he said. He started leaning in and I stopped shuffling in place. Our lips almost touched when someone coughed. We immediately pushed each other away and turned to see who that was.

"I guess you guys are having a good time", Lyss said teasingly. Kent started jumping behind her, "Eeeekkk! So cute", he said. We blushed really hard. "Ok, I am out", I said while crossing my arms and walking away.

Gai's POV

I can't believe I just did that. She didn't even fight it. Does she feel the same way about me? Does... does she like me too? Oh my gosh this is so frustrating. A lot of thoughts and questions rush into my head, then suddenly, "GAI!", Kent screamed and it made me jump. I snapped back to reality. "Huh? What?", I asked. "You're too deep into your thoughts", Lyss said while examining our surroundings. Her ears shot up as she ran towards a coin. She immediately grabbed the coin and started tossing it around. "Stop thinking about Miyo and play the game. You can always think about her later", Lyss said. I was so shocked. "WHAT? H-how did you know?", I asked. "I saw it in your eyes. Let's just say that you're in love", Lyss answered. I blushed really hard. Lyss ran off and Kent tried to catch up on her.

As I ran through the house, I thought of what Lyss said.

Am I In Love?

To be continued...

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