C21 - Hybrids and Surprises

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Miyo's POV

I laid down on the bed, staring at the cover of the book. I was told that the book was borrowed for more than ten times. Though, it still seemed like it was new. I examined it carefully. It had a few folded pages and some random notes by people. All in all, it was very aesthetic and satisfying. I caressed the cover and opened the book. It was easy to understand. I thought that it would've been difficult since this book is about 10 years old, as I've heard.

The first page was a picture of what it seemed to be a cat and monkey hybrid. He had raven hair, cat ears, light brown skin, and a monkey tail that matched his skin perfectly. I flipped to the next page and saw long paragraphs that show his experiences in life and such.

'I've been bullied a lot in school. They were disgusted to have me in their prescence." It read.

I wonder why he was downgraded so much. I looked at the next page to see an explanation. It says here that cat and monkey hybrids are supposedly traitors.

Traitors of what?

"Hey, Miyo. What are you reading?" Lonky asked.

He slept here with us since we may or may not have done a slumber party.

"Oh, uh. A book about hybrids?" I replied.

"Ooh, me too! Which one though?"

"A cat and monkey-" I stopped when I noticed his look.

"cough Stop looking at me like that! What're you reading?" I asked.

"Oh, just a giraffe and tiger- wAIT NO-" I smirked at Lonky.

"Guess we're even now."

We were talking about each other's books when I heard a knock on the door.

"Are you gonna get that?" I asked.

"And ruin my newly painted nails? Of course not!" He said dramatically.

I rolled my eyes playfully then stood up. I opened the door and saw Gai.

"Hi." He said lovingly.

"Hello." I chuckled.

"Mind if I take you somewhere?"

"Ooh so you're advancing, huh, Gai?" Lonky asked.

"What? No! It's not that!" Gai blushed.

I chuckled and went outside.

"Bye, Lonky! Hope you're not being gay when we're out!" I shouted.

"Oh, hun, I'm always gay." Lonky laughed.

I laughed and closed the door.

"So, where are you taking me?" I asked Gai.

"It's a secret. Just let me take you there." Gai held my hand and pulled me through the hallways.

I smiled as I looked at Gai from behind him. He was always so sweet and goofy. I am so lucky that I ended up with him. I wouldn't want anyone else.

"Okay, we're almost there!" Gai said.

I noticed that we were in front of a cable car. Gai walked in and held his hand out for me. I grabbed his hand as he pulls me into the cable car. We sit down and wait for the vehicle to move.

"Where exactly are you taking me?" I asked him.

"Somewhere magical." Gai smiled sheepishly.

I blushed and looked away, gazing at the wonderful view we had outside the cable car. I looked at Gai and saw that he was staring at me.

"What are you looking at?" I asked him.

"Oh, I don't know. Maybe my soon-to-be wife." He winked.

"Damn you." I tried not to smile.

The ride stopped and we were told to get down so we did. Gai held my hand again and pulled me up the hill.

"Wait, close your eyes." He said as I followed.

We took a few steps up and when we stopped, he hugged me from behind.

"You can open them now." He said.

I opened my eyes and saw the most beautiful view I've ever seen. We were standing on a tall cliff with flowers surrounding it. Flower petals were floating. Fireflies were around us. The air had a wonderful aroma and the breeze was calming. I looked behind me and saw a large cherry blossom tree right beside Gai's adorable face.

"This place is amazing!" I said.

"You're more amazing than this." Gai smiled.

"Oh, shut up." I chuckled.

Gai let go of me, held my hand, and lead me beside the cherry tree.

"They say that if you wish to this cherry blossom tree, it will come true." He said and caressed the trunk lightly.

"Y'know, I went here many years ago. I made a wish to this tree."

"What did you wish for?" I asked.

He looked at me, smiled, and looked right into my eyes.

"I wished that I'd get to meet and meet my perfect match 10 years from then."

His eyes sparkled as he smiled even wider.

"And here you are. My wish finally came true." I teared up at what he said.

"We were just fated. Meant to be together."

I hugged him and smiled while crying. He hugged me back and we stayed there, crying into each other's arms.

"I love you so much, Gai." I said.

"I love you too, Miyo." He replied.


"Miyo, look at this!" Lonky said.

Gai and I left the cliff an hour ago. Now, I was reading the hybrid book when Lonkey called me over. I walked to him and looked at his laptop.

"It says here that monkey and cat hybrids are known to be traitors."

"Traitors of what?" I asked.

"I don't exactly know. I might as well keep researching about that." Lonky said.

"You don't have to do this for me, Lonky. I can find out more about it by myself-"

"Not another word. I want to do this for you, Miyo. Consider it my wedding gift. Besides, I'm very interested with this hybrid thing." Lonky smiled and kept looking at his laptop.

"Thanks, Lonky. I owe you." I said.

Just as I said that, I heard another knock on the door.

"Who is it?" I said.

"It's Lyss!" She said through the door.

"Be there in a sec."

I walked to the door, fixed my clothes, then opened the door to see Lyss fidgeting withe her hands.

"What's up?" I asked.

"Err, Miyo.." She stopped.

"I need to tell you something."

Not Proofread

Finally, an update! So sorry for the long wait XD

Thank you for all the support! Thank you so much for reading! Vote or comment if you wanna.

That's all!

ASP 💜💚💙

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