C10- Fixed Conflict

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Hello peeps! Before I start this chapter, I would like to thank user05534356 for helping me with the ideas. We decided on making a plot twist and I decided that this wouldn't be the last chapter. Tysm for reading and enjoy!!!


Gai's POV

I am so nervous.

Today is the day that I will ask Miyo on a date and apologize. We set up the date at an extra room that Lyss built. Speaking of Lyss, she hyperventilayes a lot. We got her an inhaler incase she gets attacked again. We also got her a check up and the doctor said that she will be okay in a few weeks. Aaaannnddd back to the date!

I'm about to go out and ask Miyo.

"Dude, just go", Spin said said.

"But I'm scared!", I said.

"She'll say yes. I promise!", Lyss said.

"How do you know that?", I asked.

"Girl instinct. Us girls love romantic things", she explained.

"Even Miyo?", I asked.

"Even Miyo", she said.

"Your almost like Miyo but more violent so do you like romantic stuff?", I asked.

"Okay. 1. I'm not that violent! 2. Yes, I love romantic stuff and 3. STOP STALLING AND GET THE HELL OUT", she snapped.

"A! Calm down and breath. In and out. In and out", Kent said while getting a paper bag.

Lyss breathed in the paper bag and calmed down.

"Phew, I'm okay now", she looks at me.

"You better go out there if you don't want a scratched face while on your date", she said and showed her claws.

"O-okay. I'll go out! Just please hide those claws", I said.

She hid her claws and pushed me in front of the door.

"Good luck", Kent whispered as Liu went in.

"She's outside right now", Liu said and I nodded.

I took a deep breath and let it all out.

"You got this, man!", Spin said while massaging my shoulders.

"I'm not gonna box someone, Spin! Get your hands off me now", I said.

"Geez, I was only trying to help", Spin said and crossed his arms.

I rolled my eyes and took another deep breath.

This is it.

I took a step forward and opened the door. I held the flowers tightly in my hands and walked forward. Miyo was on the couch, eyes closed, legs and arms crossed. She opened her eyes and gave me a shocked look but immediately changed it when I walked towards her.

"M-Miyo?", I asked.

"What?", she asked in a sad tone.

I took a deep breath and faced the pink-haired feline in front of me.

"Can you look at me?", I asked.

She didn't move.

"Please?", I asked again.

This time, she faced me. I can see sadness and confusion in her eyes.

"Look, I know I've done something really bad and I guess I kinda over reacted a little bit", she cut me off.

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