C19 - Finally- Wait, What?

354 14 12

Third Person POV

"Everyone, wake up!", Lonky shouted.

"Not again", Gai grumbled.

"Lonky, I swear to-", Kuga started shaking Lonky's neck.

"Ack- we're, oof, here!", Kuga stopped choking Lonky as he saw the destination that was outside.

Lonky glared at Kuga while they grabbed their cases.

"We're finally here!", Airi shouted as she jumped off the bus.

"Where do you get this energy?", Miyo yawned.

"Finally here!", Spin jumped off the bus as well.

"Yep. They're soulmates", Popo sighed.

"Shut up", Airi said.

"We're not-"

"Soulmates", Spin said.

"Holy shiz, they really are", Kuku said.

"Let's just go, people", Crystal said as she pushed almost all of the passengers with her feathers.

"Wait, guys", Rema stopped everyone once they were right outside the huge doors of the Golden Garden resort.

"What is it?", Liu asked.

"What day is it?", Rema asked.

"Uhh, Friday. Why?", Ashley said.

"No- what date?"

Some of them checked their watches to see the date. Their eyes widened once they realized.

"It's February 14!-"

"How can someone forget Valentines Day?"

"Lyss, we need to date!"

"Where can I buy flowers?"

A bunch more mumbles could be heard. Mostly the ones with significant others.

"Okay, enough!", Crystal shouted.

"I'm too tired for this. Let's just go to our rooms and you all can figure out what to do for your dates", Crystal yawned and walked in.

Everyone went inside and gasped at the sight. It was all golden and shiny. No one could take their eyes off of the lobby.

"There you all are! We have a show in 2 hours so hurry up!", the manager walked up to them and pushed them to a giant dressing room.

"Wait, what?", Pala said.

"No time to chat! I'm paying you for this so get ready", the manager shut the door after that.

"What is he-"

"He's paying us. You heard the man! Get ready, people!", Crystal said.

She sure did love a good pay check every once in a while. A few mumbles passed and a girl walked in.

"Meme?", Miyo gasped.

"Yep. No time to explain. Get in your costumes and I'll tell you later. Just go!", Meme shoved everyone into their own individual stalls.

Well, not everyone. Just Miyo, Gai, Liu, Kent, Lyss, and Crystal.

"Why am I in a vest?", Crystal said.

"You're the director in the play", Meme said.

"What play?", Lyss asked.

She had an undeniable love for plays. Specifically musicals.

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