C18 - The Trip

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Miyo's POV

"Is everyone ready? The bus is waiting outside", Crystal shouted.

Without another word, everyone ran outside and caught their breaths. Except for Lyss though. She seemed pissed.

"It's 3 in the freaking morning, you guys make lots of noise even without talking!", Lyss hissed while she was half asleep

"Not a morning person, I guess", Popo said.

"Whaaat? Are we too annoying for you? Did we distuuurb you?", Lonky teased.

Bad idea.
In one swift move, I went to Lonky and scratched his face, letting Lyss calm down.

"Thanks, Miyo. Is anyone else not ready?", Lyss said weakly.

"I think there's Kuku, Airi, Liu, and a few more", Gai said.

"Just great. I'm going to sleep", Lyss said as she grabbed a yellow sleeping bag and slept with a frown on her face.

"Am I late?", Kent said as he walked outside.

"Oh noooo", you could sense the sarcasm in Gai's voice.

"Ohh ok", the oh-so-oblivious Kent said.

"Make yourself useful and go get the others", I said.

"Ouch but ok", Kent said and skipped back inside.


Third Person POV

Everyone was now sitting in the bus and were fully prepared to leave. Maybe.

"Let's go!", Crystal said and the driver started driving.

At the second row on the right, Miyo was about to fall asleep. She looked out the window and started drifting off. A few seconds later, Gai noticed this and set Miyo's head on his shoulder, covered both of them with a blanket, and went to sleep. Sensing a ship moment, Lyss's eyes went wide open and looked at Gaiyo sleeping. She smiled and brought out her phone to take pictures.

"What are you doing?", Ashley asked from beside Kent on the left part of the bus.

Lyss said nothing but sent some pictures to Ashley. Ashley tried her best not to squeal as she sent the pictures to Airi who was beside her. Airi then sent it to Rema and she showed it to Liu then sent it to Spin. Spin then sends it to the DV7 group chat and eventually, it gets out to the whole squad. This is what everyone was talking about for the next few minutes before they fell asleep.

An hour later, everyone was asleep. Everyone except Lyss. She rubbed her eyes she sat up and looked around. She noticed all of her ships being cute. She took her time to look at each and every one of them.

First, she looked Gai and Miyo who were now cuddling. She silently squealed over this and took another picture. Next, she saw Liu and Rema sleeping next to each other while Ashley was sleeping in their laps. She thought that it was adorable and took a video of them. Then, she saw Kuga and Lonky. Lonky's head was on Kuga's chest and they also had a blanket covering them. All that Lyss could think of was "Hah. Gay". I mean, she ain't wrong-

She soon felt tired of looking at everyone so she went back to sleep.

Well, she tried.

"Everyone, wake up! We're gonna eat!", Crystal shouted, startling everyone.

"I fell asleep for two seconds-", Lyss shouted back.

"I wanna rest", Miyo said.

Looks like Miyo's soft side shows when she's sleepy.

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