C13- Finally

319 12 18

Sorry for the long update •~•


Gai's POV

... Crystal Feathers! Her eyes were red. Her feathers looked darker. Her left hand was up. And her right.. Her right hand was holding Lyss by her neck. Lyss was struggling. Very struggling. Crystal looked like she was struggling too.

"I-I'm sorry, young ones. I can-t co-control--", Crystal was cut off by a different person possessing her body.

"Want her back?", a familiar voice came out of her body.

We all shook wtih fear. It can't be him. It just can't be. Out of all of the people, why him?

"Ch-Charming Go--", Miyo was cut off by someone rushing past us.

"RAAAAAAAAAAAAA", Kent screamed as he charged at Crystal.

He took out a pocket knife from his purse and slashed a feather off. As he was falling to the ground, he took out a potion bottle with some sort of blue substance in it and put the feather inside. He closed the container and shook it as much as he can while running away from the tall possessed body. He ran behind us, panting.

"Cover for me", we quickly went into action.

I ran up to Crystal and confused her using my brothers. Miyo scratched Crystal but making sure not to destroy the body too much because it was still Crystal's. Meme was right behind Miyo as she jumped on Crystal's face and kicked it. All of the others were just surrounding Crystal in a circle with objects in their hands. They looked like gems?

"Everyone ready?", Kent asked as they shouted an affirmative response.

Kent started chanting. Every step he takes, the circle glows. Brighter and brighter, smaller and smaller. Crystal was grabbing onto her head now. She dropped Lyss as she put her hands up and screamed. That scream lasted a few seconds until we saw another body get out of hers. It was Charming Gold. He was chained to the ground. He looked awful.

"Everyone, stay in your position and don't let go of the gems", Kent said.

"Gai, call the cops", I nodded, following his instructions.

"Hello? We're at the ***. Yes, we'll explain everything when you get here. Ok, thank you", my responses to the call.

"They'll be here in about 5 minutes", I said as everyone sighed of relief.

"Is this the final drama? Is it all over?", Airi asked.

She loved drama for she was a drama queen herself but everything was getting too much for her.

"We'll never know", Miku said.

"Dang it", Ashley sighed.

A long silence followed. It wasn't an awkward silence. It was a silence of-- ah, I don't even know. Just a silence. I guess we were all just relieved. After a few more minutes, the cops were here and were able to get Charming Gold into a jar, apparently with magic or something, and trapped him there for all his life.

We went back home, carrying Lyss on a hospital bed. She was conscious though very tired.

"WHY ME?", Lyss screamed.

We were all surprised when she sat up.

"Lyss, lay back dow--", Miku was cut off.

"WHY ME, HUH? Why am I always the victim?", Lyss shouted but her voice got softer.

Maybe from crying?

"I never did anything bad to this world", she sobbed.

"- but I just had to get tortured", she kept crying and crying as we comforted her.

"Lyss, it's gonna be okay", Miyo said.

"Okay? OKAY? After what I've been through you tell me that it's gonna be OKAY? Do I fricking look okay to you?", Lyss screamed.

Her face was red. Also, wet with tears. Her hair was a mess. Since her hoodie was off and she was wearing a shirt, her scars and cuts were shown. Her whole body was filled with them. We looked at her with pity though we didn't want to look down on her. I went up to her and embraced her. She cried on my shoulder.

"Let it all out, Lyss. Just do it", I whispered and soon enough, the others formed a group hug.

Kent looked at us with tears in his eyes. I broke the hug so Kent can talk to her. Kent walked up to Lyss and hugged her tightly but carefully, trying not to hurt her.

"I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry", he cried while Lyss cried on his shoulder.

"I'm here for you, A. Just tell me. I'm willing to do anything for you. I will protect you with everything I have because I love you", Kent whispered but we heard it all.

They kept hugging so I looked at Miyo. She was smiling sadly at them. I stared at Miyo with ten words in my head.

"I would do all of those things for you too"

And a following three-

"I love you"


I AM SO SO SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING! I feel so disappointed in myself now XD

I hope yall enjoyed this chapter. Thank you so much for reading. Please leave a vote or a comment and follow me if ya want :3

I love you guys!

ALWAYS STAY POSITIVE!! and I will see yall next time...

BYE! 💜💚💙

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