C20 - Energies

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I suck at titles.

Miyo's POV

Last night was exhausting.

Those plays got me tired out. Anyways, I just finished unpacking. All of the girls were compiled into one huge room with a bunch of bedrooms. My room was pretty plain compared to how the other girls decorated theirs. We're staying for two weeks and they've already planned out the whole thing.

"Miyo, come on", Ashley said.

"We're going exploring!", Miku said excitingly.

"Yay", I said sarcastically.

"Hey hey hey, it's exploring we're talking about! Be glad, will you?", Lyss smiled.

"You seem happy-"

"What? No!", Lyss cut me off.

The girls and I stared at her.

"Oh, I think someone's calling me outside. Ahaha- bye!", Lyss ran outside and bumped into the door before going out.

"Nope, nevermind. Miyo, your fiance is here!", Lyss shouted.

"Oohh, fiance!", Ashley said teasingly.

"Shut up", I smiled and walked outside to see Gai waiting.

"Hey!", Gai said enthusiastically, tail wagging.

"Why does everyone seem so happy today?", I asked.

"Can't we be happy?", Kent asked.

"Come on, don't be such a killjoy!", Gai said.

"Guys, everyone else is waiting in the lobby", Lyss said.

We gathered up the other girls and all went down together. We filled the whole huge elevator with laughs and jokes. Once we got down, the whole group was there. We greeted each other with good mornings and such then proceeded to the dining area. A buffet was served there. It was full of so many people but still managed to look empty.

"This place is amazing!", Kuku said as she ate her food.

"Quite breathtaking indeed", Jean said.

"Right? We still have so many more places to explore in this one big resort!", Rema shouted.

"I swear, this morning is too happy for me", I mumbled.

"Aren't you happy that we're all together?", Gai asked beside me.

"Of course I am! But you guys are loud", I said and everyone laughed.

"Oh, Miyo, darling. We have to be the happiest at all times! We deserve the joy anyways", Crystal said and they all agreed.

"I.. I guess you're right", I smiled.


"Look at this place!", Airi said.

"So many pretty flowers", I whispered to myself.

"Just like you", Gai said behind me.

I blushed and looked at him.

"You're cheesy"

"Only for you", Gai winked.

I gently pushed his shoulder and looked away, smiling and blushing.

"Aww, you look so soft~"

"Soft? I am not!", I denied.

Gai held my cheeks and pushed them together.

"Yes, you are!", he baby talked me.

"Hmph", I mumbled.

"See? You're adorable!", Gai smiled.

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