C4- Emotional Helpers

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Miyo's POV

I feel depressed. I feel like I am nothing. I need help. I really do. I am heartbroken and I don't know how to heal my broken heart. "Hello?", someone said as they opened the door. "Who's there?", I said. "It's Crystal Feathers. I just wanted to help you. I assigned some people to help you with your problem", Crystal said. Some girls came into my room. "Hi i'm Airi", Airi said. "I'm Ashley", Ashley said. "Hi. Nice to meet you guys.", I said. "I'll be leaving you girls up to it. If you need anything, just let me know ok?", Crystal said. I nodded and she went through a portal. "I'm ba- OMG Who are you!? Why are you here? Don't hurt Miyo!!!", Lyss said as she saw the girls. "Lyss, chill. They're just here to help me with the problem", I explained. "Oh. Sorry bout that", Lyss said. "It's okay", Airi said. Ashley hopped on the bed and said, "So. What's the problem?". I explained everything.

Gai's POV

I was just walking around the living room when suddenly a girl came in. "Who are you?", I asked feeling startled. "I am Miku. I am here to help you with your problem", she said. "Uhhhh okay?", I said. "Now, what is the problem?", she asked. "Well. Miyo and I got into a fight", I said. "Oh, so normal love quarrels", she said. "W-what!? We aren't in a relationship. And that's the sad part", I said. "Oh. Well, do you need anything", she asked. "I will drown myself in ice cream", I said. "Ice cream coming right up!", she said. Wow, what a good friend. All of a sudden, Kent walks in with a bear, some flowers and chocolates. "Gai! I want you to give this to Miyo", Kent said. "W-what!? Why?!", I asked. "You still love her right?", Kent asked. "Y-yes", I said with no hesitation. "Well then do it", Kent said. "B-but she broke m-my heart!", I said. "Don't you want to be friends again?", he asked. "Well, yeah b-" "Then just do it!". "If you really want her back, you should do the right thing! And that right thing is healing her heart. Unless you want Liu to fi-", I cut him off. "ALRIGHT! Alright I'll do it. B-but not now", I said. "Why?", Kent asked. "Because I'm not ready yet", I said. "That's just another way of saying 'You're a chicken'.", Kent said. "O-ok fine. I'm scared ok? What if she hates me? I can't face her! Not now", I said. Miku walked in with the ice cream. "Oh hey Ku- Wait. MIKU!?", Kent said while looking at Miku. "KENT!? Oh man I missed you!", Miku said as they hugged. "Wait, you guys know each other?", I asked. "Yeah!", Miku said. "We were best friends when we were kids!", Kent said. "Well, that's great!", I said. "Man, Ku! You've grown!!", Kent said. "Until now, you still call me Ku!? Why not call me Mik or Mik- mik?", Crimson asked. "Because. You're Kuku!", Kent said which made Miku laugh. "Aren't you guys supposed to be helping me here?", I asked. "Oh yeah!", they said and sat next to me. "So, tell us all about it", Miku said. "Yeah sure Ku", I said and she made a 😑 face. "Stop calling me that", Miku said. "Yeah, sure whatever Kuku", I said. He glared at me. "I'm kidding! I'm calling you Mik", I said. Shee nodded and motioned for me to continue.

Lyss's POV

"Oohh! Let's give you a makeover! Then he'll fall in love with you", Ashley said. We were thinking of some ways to make Miyo feel better and there was a lot of weird suggestions. "Why don't we just go to my room and watch some movies or something like that?", I suggested. "What's wrong with this room?", Airi asked. "Oh, you'll see", I said then went outside. "Oh no, they're still there! Quick, I'll stall them and you get Miyo to my room", I said as I pointed to my room. They nodded and proceeded with the mission. "Hey gu- wait... MIKU?", I asked. "Lyss! Girl, I missed you!!!", Miku said. "You know each other too?", Gai asked. "Well, yeah! We wer- Wait. Why am I even talking to you? Forget it. I'll talk to you later Miku. I have to help Miyo. Bye losers!", I said and went to help Miyo. Oh, it looks like Miyo and Gai looked at each other again. I can still see a spark in their eyes. They were really meant to be for each other. I hope they can be friends again. It's really hard to see them like this.

Welp. I'm tired. That's all folks! I also want to thank the other people in this story. Everyone give it up for Airi, Ashley and Miku (Crimson Skyler)! They are my RMA Amino friends. They really support me and I am very grateful that people like them exist. That's it for this chapter. Tune in for the next one. But until then, don't forget to always think positive and i'll see ya'll later!


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