C14- Isn't it over?

375 10 12

Third Person POV

"So they've forgotten us, huh?", a short evil laugh followed after the statement.

"Shush! I'm trying to think."

"You wouldn't be able to think of a plan even if you wanted to!"

"I can so shut up!"

"STOP arguing."


"I already have a plan to cover your dumba**es.", the leader said.

"Well, what is it then?"

"Yeah, we don't have all day--"

"Shut it, you impatient bi***es!"


"You'll see."


Miyo's POV

"Hey, Miyo", Lyss said, snapping me out of my thoughts.

It was my turn to look after her.

"Hmm? Is there something you need?"

"Not really. Just a question."

"What is it then?", this brought me nervousness.


I kept looking at Lyss. She looked like she really wants to say something but hesitated.

"I-I think you can go now"

"That wasn't what you were gonna say, was it?"

She gulped after I said that.

"N-no no, you can really just leave me here"

"I insist of taking care of you", I smiled.

"But why did you lie?", I looked at her dead in the eyes.

"Err.. umm...", she stumbled to find her words.

"Hmm?", I asked, trying to look as intimidating as I can be.

"O-ok, fine! Please don't tell Gai or anyone about this", I nodded.

"*sigh* G-Gai wanted to propose to you"

*Thump thump*

My heart pounded.

"P-p-p-p-propose!? W-we aren't even together yet! Isn't that a little bit too soon?", I rambled, obviously being flustered.

Lyss grabbed my hands and pulled them so that I would pay attention to what she was gonna say.

"Miyo, he loves you and you know that. He wants to be with you forever. This is a life commitment and he's willing to do it for you! Appreciate it, will you? He really needs you and he thinks that marriage is one of the only ways to deal with this"

Marriage, I smiled at the thought.

"Why are you smiling? Don't you love him back?"

"That's just it. I really do love him. I just don't think I'm ready yet"

"If he did propose, would you say yes?"

"Without a doubt"

"Then there ain't a single problem about it"

Lyss smiled. An actual genuine smile.

"That's the first time you've smiled at me", I smiled.

"I know! I'm finally feeling happiness", Lyss smiled wider.

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