C5- New Relationships

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Ashley's POV

We took Miyo to Lyss's room but when we passed the living room, I couldn't help but notice a certain someone from the bug tribe. When his eyes looked into mine, I felt a thousand butterflies in my stomach. His glasses shined so bright that I had to cover my eyes. He is so perfect. "ASHLEY!!!", I heard someone say. "GAAAHH WHAT!?", I said. "You're spacing out", Airi said. "Oh. Am I? Sorry", I said. Lyss's ears shot up and she gave a smirk. "I sense a crush here!", Lyss said. "W-what?! No way", I said. Airi gasped and said, "Yes way!!!". "Who is it?", Miyo asked with a raspy but excited voice. "I-I don't know his name", I said. "Well then, why don't you introduce yourself?", Lyss said. "I can't!", I said. "Why not?", Airi said. "I just don't want to", I said. "You don't want to or are you just scared that he won't like you?", Lyss said. I put my head down and nodded. Airi held my shoulders and Lyss pulled me up and pushed me outside and into the living room. I saw him again. He smiled at me. I smiled back of course. "Hey A. Who are they?", a dog asked Lyss. "This is Ashley and Airi", Lyss introduced us. "Hey. Nice to meet you guys. I'm Kent", Kent said. "I'm Miku", Miku said. We waved at her. The cute guy stood up and walked towards me. I could feel my face burning. "Hi there. I'm Liu. It's nice to meet you Ashley", Liu said as she put out his hand for me to shake. I shook his hands and smiled at him. He smiled back. He then turned to Airi. "Airi right?", Liu said. She nodded and he nodded back. Liu sat back down and then his watch beeped. He opened the message and looked happy. "DV7 is coming for a visit!", Liu said. "Who's DV7?", Kent and Lyss said at the same time. "They're the team that we helped when Charming Gold brainwashed them", Gai explained. "Oh. When are they coming?", Lyss asked. "Later at noon", Liu said. "I gotta tell the others", Gai said. Gai went to go tell the others. "You tell Miyo okay? We don't want anymore drama", Kent told Lyss. Lyss nodded. "What? Why? I love drama!", a tall guy suddenly said near the door. Lyss glared at the guy, raised her eyebrow, pulled out her claws and scratched him. "OWWW! You have claws!? I thought you were a weak bunny!", the tall guy said. Lyss glared at him. "W-wha? No that wasn't what I meant!"


The guy looked like he couldn't move. He just walked slowly back into his room. Lyss then tapped on her watch and told everyone to go to the living room.


Once they got to the living room, Lyss introduced us to the guys. While Lyss was introducing us, I looked at Miyo and saw him staring at Gai and saw Gai staring at Miyo. They looked at each other sadly. It's like they want to be with each other. I can see it in her eyes. After the introductions, Miyo went back to her room and then came out wearing a sweater and sweatpants. She then sat down. Miyo and Gai sat far from each other. All of us could sense the awkwardness of the two. They just kept on ignoring each other and avoiding eye contact. Then after at least two hours of awkwardly waiting, someone knocked on the door. "I'll get it", Liu said. After a few seconds, Liu came in with some guys wearing all black. "Hey guys", a taller girl version of Liu said. We waved at them. "Gai? What's up man!", another monkey said to Gai. They hugged and talked to each other. "Oh my gosh. You poor little thing! Why are wearing that? Are you okay?", a giraffe asked Miyo. Miyo nodded and smiled. Miyo introduced us then pointed at Lyss and Kent. They were sleeping on the couch with Kent hugging Lyss. "Aaaaww so cute", Kuku said.


Before we continue, I would like to say thanks to one of my amino friends for telling me the DV7's names. I can't remember who she is but If you are reading this please let me know. AAAAAANNND Back to the story...


I looked at Airi and she looks like she's staring at someone. I nudge her. "Why are you staring into nothing like that?", I asked her. She blushed and said, "Oh nothing". Weird. I looked at where she was staring before and saw Spin with Gai. "Ooohhh Someone's got a crush!", I teased her. "What?! No way", she replied. "Hey guys. What's up?", Shan (I don't know how to spell her name - Athena) asked. "Someone has a crush", I said and looked at Airi. "Do not!!!" "Do too!" "Do not!". I smirked at her and she crossed her arms. "Well at least I know that someone has a crush on Liu", Airi said. I blushed really hard and glared at Airi. She stuck her tongue out and smirked. "Wait, Liu? You mean my brother?", Shan asked. I was shocked. "He's your brother?", I asked. "Well, yeah. He is my younger brother", Shan said. I covered my face in embarrassment. "Please don't tell him", I begged. Shan nodded and smiled. I quickly hugged her, "Thank you so much!", I said. She smiled at me. Just then, Lyss woke up. She stretched and carefully put Kent's hands away and walked to us. "Well, you were having a good time", Miku said. Lyss glared at Miku and put out her claws. Miku hid behind Shan while Lyss put her claws away. "Hey guys. Not to be rude but where are we going to sleep? We're staying here for a week", Rema asked. "I guess I can make rooms for all of you but you have to share", Lyss requested. "And how do you do that", Spin asked. Lyss put out her claws, "Ask again and you are done for". Spin gulped and pretended to zip his mouth. "You guys stay here first. I'm gonna start building", Lyss said and ran off to an empty space and started building. Welp. I guess this will take a while.

To be continued...

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