C22 - Happy Times

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Lyss's POV

This is the day. It's finally time for me to tell the truth. I walked through the hallway and reached the girls' room. I knocked on the door and waited for someone to open it. A few seconds later, Miyo shouted from inside.

"Who is it?" She said.

"It's Lyss!"

"Be right there."

I fidgeted with my hands, shirt, anything I could hold.

"What's up?"

"Err, Miyo.."

"I need to tell you something."

"Huh? Oh, sure."

"Not here, please." I said.

"O-okay, where-" I cut her off by pulling her arm and running outside.

She stayed silent until we reached the hotel's garden.

"So, what did you wanna talk about?" She asked me.

"Uhm, you see..."

"Mhm?" She mumbled.

"I.. Uhh, I.."


"I'm your sister!" I shouted.

She started laughing.

"Don't be silly, I don't have an older sister." She chuckled.

"No, I'm serious. I talked it out with our- well, your dad and he said that I can tell you."

"Wait, what?" Her eyes widened.

I sighed and looked at her.

"Are you willing to listen to the full story?" I asked.

She nodded.

"Alright. A long time ago, my father and your mother, they were both drugged. We still don't know who drugged them but they ended up making me. Both of them wanted to keep me. So they did. But, they didn't get married or get in a relationship. They decided to be friends and your mother helped raise me." I stopped.

"My father helped your mother find the love of her life which is your father. A few years later, they made you. At the same time, my father got married to someone who didn't want me. She took my father away from me."

"Is she still your parent until now?" Miyo asked.

"Yeah.. Though, she had no choice but to take me in. I tried to run away once. That's when I met Kent. He begged me to go back home so, I did. When I got there, I received news that I had a little step-sister." I looked at her.

"That would be you." I smiled at her, she smiled back.


"A year after, my dad died. I was forced to live with mother. She neglected me. She kept saying that I was the reason why my dad died." I started tearing up.

"Which makes absolutely no sense whatsoever because he died in a car crash. Mother was the one on a phone call with him that time. But she put the blame on me."

"Oh, I'm so sorry that had to happen to you." Miyo said.

"It's all in the past now. Let's focus on the present and the future. My sister's getting married! Never thought that you'd be engaged before me." We laughed.

"Thank you.. sister!" She smiled at me.

I looked at her with glistening eyes then hugged her tightly. She hugged back and we stayed there, crying in each others arms.

- - -

"Hey, we're going down to eat so get ready." Gai said, poking his head in our room.

"Yeah, yeah." Airi said.

Gai ran over to Miyo and hugged her.

"Get a room!" Miku shouted from across the room.

"Gladly." Gai said.

"Wha- hey!" Miyo blushed.

"Enough of that gross lovey-dovey stuff." I laughed.

"You're one to talk." Ashley said.

"No, you." I said.

"Girls, let's go!" Liu said.

We all went outside and raced to the restaurant. We ordered our food and waited in two long tables.

-Time skip brought to you by writer's block-

Third Person

"No, not again!" Spin said.

It was their second game of Uno and Spin was the one who lost, again.

"Hah, take that." Airi said.

Spin glared at her.

"You guys up for a game of never have I ever?" Kent asked.

A bunch of agreeing remarks were said. They all gathered in a circle, excluding the other members of DV7, Lonky, and Kuga who may or may not be sleeping. It was 12 am and Spin couldn't sleep so he went to the girl's room, taking the other awake boys with him.

"Okay, I'll start. Never have I ever been a part of DV7." Ashley said.

"Wooow, I feel attacked." Spin said.

He put a finger down since he was the only DV7 member in the room. The DV7 girls were out cold.

"Next, never have I ever got stuck in a tree log." Lyss said.

Kent glared at Lyss. Surprisingly, he wasn't the only one who put a finger down. Along with Kent was Gai, Miku, and Popo.

"Oh, wow, okay. Your turn, Popo." Lyss said.

"Never have I ever been engaged." Popo smirked.

Miyo, Gai, and Kent put down a finger. Wait, Kent?


"Relax, guys. I'm kidding!" He laughed.

"You scared me." Miku said.

"I'm not engaged. Well, yet." The group laughed.

The game lasted for another hour before they all fell asleep. The boys slept on the couches and the girls were all in their beds.

You could say that this day was a very happy day that anyone could remember.

Not Proofread

Sorry for the short chapter, this writer's block is killing me >~<

Thank you so much for reading! Vote or comment if yall wanna.

That's all!

ASP 💜💚💙

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