C3-P3 The First Game

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Miyo's POV

Ugh, I messed up big time! I guess now he doesn't want to talk to me. It was the worst thing that happened in my life. I can't believe I hurt the guy that I like the most. Well, I guess I hurt both of us. I just stayed there and let all of my thoughts and emotions roam inside my head. Until I heard someone. "Hey Miyo, are you okay?", I looked up to see Liu. "I'm not in the mood to talk right now", I said. "O-ok. But if it helps, here", Liu said while giving me a pink rose. "Th-thank you", I said while slightly blushing. "I hope you feel better. Anyways, I'll see ya later", Liu said as he ran away.


I felt my heart beating fast. Wait. Am I having feelings for Liu? No. No no no no no no no no no no no no no no. I can't have feelings for two guys! It'll just be a disaster! I already broke one's heart! I can't break both! Oh, what am I even saying!? Maybe it's just a misunderstanding in my brain! Yeah yeah. Totally. Well, hopefully. "The game has ended! The game has ended! The game has ended", a robot said. Oh good. Now i'm gonna have to face both of them? This is an absolute disaster! I can't take this!!! I need time to think. Ok. So uhmmm. I really like Gai but I broke his heart. I think i'm starting to have feelings for Liu but he's still just a friend. Who do I choose? UGH! Why is love so frustrating? "Please go back to the lobby for the results of the game", the robot said in the speakers. Ok. Breathe in, breathe out. You can do this. I started running to the lobby and on my way, I bumped into Gai. "G-Gai! Please let me tal-", he interrupted me. "Please just leave me alone...", he said as he ran away. All of a sudden, I felt my heart break into pieces. I guess I didn't like Gai. I-I loved him. But it's too late now. He hates me. I guess i'll just go back to the lobby.

~In the lobby~

"Hey Miyo, are you alright?", Lyss asked. "Y-yes. Why wouldn't I be?", I said as my voice cracked while I faked a smile. I felt like i'm about to cry. "You are not fine. I can sense it", Lyss said. "You know what? I AM not fine. There's no point in hiding it when it's obvious.", I said. "Hey Lyss. After they show the results, can I ask for some advice?", I asked. "Well, of course. Besides, you really need it", Lyss said. "Thanks Lyss" "No problem". Once the others got here, the robot came out of nowhere. "The final results are here. Let us see who has won", the robot said. I kept on glancing at Gai and glancing back at the ground. Not paying attention to what the robot was saying. "Fifth place goes to Popo and Lonky. They only got two coins. Fourth place goes to Pala. He got three coins! Third place goes to Kent and Liu. They got five coins. Second place goes to Lyss, Gai and Miyo. They got seven coins! And first place goes to Kuga! He got eight coins!", the robot said. "I can't believe I got last place!", Lonky said. "No one cares Lonky. Shut your mouth!", Gai said. "Wow, angry much? How about you shut up? It's not like you're heartbroken", Lonky said. Then Gai's eyes changed from mad to sad. "Oh. Are y-", Lonky then was choked by Lyss. "Don't you dare talk about that right now. I-it's not a good time.", Lyss said. "Gai please! Just talk to me!", I said. "And why would I? Huh? Why would I talk to you? I'm afraid that you might hurt me again. I'm sorry but you've done enough!", Gai said. I can't process what just happened. I didn't hesitate to run back to our room and cry my feelings away.

Lyss's POV

"Oh great. Look what you've done!", Kent said. I glitched red. "Great job monkey boy! You just hurt the one you love the most", I said. "B-but she hurt me!", Gai said. "Just because she hurt you, it doesn't mean you should hurt her!", Liu said. "UGH! I am so ANGRY!!! I am going after her. YOU stay here you heartbreaker!", I said and went to Miyo and Gai's room. I kept my anger inside and my red glitch faded. So, I knocked on the door. "Who is it?", Miyo said. She sounded like she was crying a lot. "It's Lyss. I'm here to help you", I said. Miyo opened the door and went back to her bed. "Hey. Do you need anything? Some snacks? Chocolates?", I asked. "The only thing I want back is his trust", Miyo said. "You really need to eat. Wait right here. I'm gonna make you food. What do you want!", I asked. "I think I want a burger and fries", Miyo said, depressingly. "You got it", I said. "Thanks Lyss", Miyo said. "No problem", I said then went outside her room. I walked into the living room and saw Gai and Liu fighting. "GUYS! Guys! What's going on?", I asked. "Liu gave Miyo a rose!", Gai said. "I only did that to make her feel better!", Liu argued. "You guys! Stop! What is even the reason to fight here?! Miyo is already really hurt and you're gonna make my life even more miserable too?!", I glitched red. "Both of you are acting like fools! I hope you know that BOTH of you are giving Miyo a hard time! Now get out of my way. I have a duty to fulfill and a certain feline to help", I said then went to the kitchen to make some food for Miyo.

Kent's POV

I look at Lyss and her red glitch still hasn't come off. "H-hey Lyss. Are you ok?", I asked her. "What does it look like!? Do you think i'm fine? You should know that I am not fine!", she screamed and kept on cooking. "A, you really need to calm down", I told her. "I can't and I don't want to", she replied. I furrowed my eyebrows and said, "Alyssa Mina Hopper (pronounced as how-per) , I want you to calm down before you hyperventilate!", I said. "Okay! Okay! I'll calm down! Just don't say my full name out loud. I-it's embarrassing.", she said. "You don't need to be embarrassed about your name. I think it's beautiful and I think that every single part of you is beautiful", I looked into her eyes and held her face gently. "You're amazing Lyss. Everything you do is amazing! And that's why I can't live without you!", I said. "You really are full of surprises Kent. That's what I love about you", she said. I turned red and so did she. She kissed my cheek and grabbed the food and went back to Miyo's room. That could not have gone any better. "How the hell do you do it?!", Gai asked. "It's a secret", I said then went back to my room.

Welp. There ya go! Some more drama. I hope you like it. The next chapter will come out soon. Luv you guys!

To be continued...

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