The worlds not that bad

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(MacKenzie POV)

The world we lived in was horrible... it was sad and dangerous.. people killing people.. I had Jay with me.. Maddie had Sebastian and Jason.. poor Jason had no one to love.. h didn't need hat because he knew he had his friends to fall back on..

"Guys! Hurry!" Maddie said as I looked back seeing the big group of people chasing us. "No! They have one!" Jason yelled as I seen the girl... she sliced her wrist as she lost her skin her eyes glowing green sharp teeth and claws... she ran at us extremely fast.. my eyes widened as she tackled Jason. I jumped forwards kicking her off Jason grabbing his arm pulling him forwards. "AFTER THEM!" A man yelled as he began shooting arrows at us. "RAAAA" The girl demon thing roared at us as she chased us. "We need to turn now!" Sebastian said as I shook my head. "No! If we do and she kills us she'll take our abilities!" I yelled at Sebastian as he kept trying to convince me. "Fine!"

"Okay jay! You go get them we will come back once Jason gets somewhere safe!" Sebastian said as jay nodded biting into his wrist. I looked forwards as I heard loud roads and screeches.

We hid Jason in a tree since he couldn't turn into a demon like we could..
A loud roar gained my attention. I looked back as I realized that roar came from jay.. I ran back as I stopped at the bridge seeing it was falling apart... wow.. that battle was insane. I looked at the edge as jay was holding on in his demon form while that girl held onto him biting at him. "JAY!" I yelled as I reached towards him he went to grab my hand but the demon girl grabbed his head pulling him backwards as she threw him behind her. She jumped off the ledge as she made it to the other side bitting into jay. She began tearing him apart as she ate his heart. I screamed loudly as I used my knife to cut my wrist. My skin was gone as my sharp teeth and glowing blue eyes appeared. I jumped over the hole in the bridge. I kicked her in the face as she flew backwards hitting the side of the bridge. The men watched us fight as the girl smirked her sharp teeth showing. "Kill this girl!" A man yelled as she growled jumping at me her claws inching near. I ducked as I kicked her back making her fall down. I crystallized my fingers into sharp points jumping at her stabbing her with my crystallized fingers. She let out a screeched as I bit into her neck. I began ripping her apart eating the pieces I ripped off. I bit into her arm as blood splattered everywhere. I grew sharp claws as I could hear extremely well. That was jays ability.. I looked at the men as I jumped forwards biting into ones neck then doing a flip slicing two peoples throats. The rest of the men screamed and ran away as I turned my head to jays body.. well what was left of it.. i swear I'll kill all of these demons.. I swear it..

"Jay.." I mumbled as I fell to my knees turning back into my human form. "I'm so sorry.. if I wouldn't have left.."

"KENZIE!" Maddie yelled running towards me jumping over the hole in the bridge. "Woah.." she mumbled as she seen jays body. "God.." jason mumbled as he walked out from behind Sebastian.

"MacKenzie.." Sebastian whispered as he put his hand on my shoulder. "Im sorry.. I shouldn't have let him.."

"YOU BASTARD! ITS YOUR FAULT HES DEAD!" I screamed as I went to punch him but Maddie jumped in front of him. I punched her in the face accidentally as she flew backwards. My demon powers are still cooling down... oh no.. wait.. Maddie.. I

"Maddie.. I'm sorry.. I didn't mean it.. i.." I started as she stood up holding her face.

"Lets just get back to the base.." she said sadly as we all walked forwards. I paused as I turned back around grabbing jays scarf.. it was his favorite.. he kept it on all the time..

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