Quirk Training

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*Y/N's POV*

Midoriya and I brought Kota to the building manager office and luckily we ran into Mandalay. It's kinda awkward since we are only wearing a towel around our waist.

Mandalay: "He just fainted from fear at the fall. Thanks. I heard from Eraser that there was an embodiment of lust among the boys, so I just had him there keeping watch. These days, girls develop quickly, don't they?"

Y/N: "I guess."

Midoriya: "Anyway, I'm just glad he's okay."

Mandalay: "You must've hustled to save him."

Y/N: "It surprised me when I saw Midoriya saving him. Beat me to it."

I look at Midoriya and he had a sad look on his face.

Y/N: "What's wrong Midoriya?"

Midoriya: "Kota has a negative view of heroes, doesn't he? For me, I've always been surrounded by people who wanted to be heroes-- Oh, me included... So I thought it was unusual for a boy his age to feel the way he does..."

Mandalay: "That's true. Of course, there are many people in society who don't think well of heroes... If he had been raised normally, maybe he would've admired heroes, too."

Midoriya: "Normally?"

Pixie-Bob: "Mandalay's cousin-- Kota's parents--were heroes, bu they were killed in the line of duty."

Midoriya looked shocked, while I was feeling bad for Kota.

Mandalay: "Two years ago... protecting citizens from a villain... For a hero, it was a respectable way to die... an honorable death. But a child barely aware of what was around him couldn't understand that. My parents left me behind... But society kept praising them, saying it was a good thing for heroes... a wonderful thing. He doesn't seem to like us much, either, since we're also heroes. But it's like he's just here because there's nowhere else for him to go. To Kota, heroes are a kind of human he can't understand and finds unpleasant."

I started to think back to when my parents died in front of me... I thought I had nothing left in this world. After she said that, I walked towards the door to leave.

Mandalay: "Y/N? Are you okay?"

Y/N: "Yeah, I'm going to bed now..."

I opened the door and left, heading to bed.


It was the afternoon now and I was standing in front of one of the pussycats, he doesn't like the other three. From what I know, his name is Tiger

Tiger: "Alright, hit me with all you got!"

I look him straight in the eyes and sigh.

Y/N: "Fine."

Fire starts to cover my hand and I run at him and try to hit him only for his body to flatten down and I missed. When I turned around, he punched me in the gut and I went flying and slammed into a tree. I fell to the ground and looked up at him.

Tiger: "You still seem lively. Get up and try again!"

Y/N: "You're asking for it now."

I get up and  lightning starts to surround me.

Y/N: "You better hope you can dodge in time!"

I disappear from where I was and was instantly behind him. He tried to move his feet but I froze them in place. My fist was on fire again and I went to punch him. Before my fist could connect to him, I was kicked in the face and sent flying away. When I hit the ground, I looked up and saw my sister.

Y/N: "Akame?! Why the hell are you here?"

Aizawa: "I asked her to help us with your training. You still want to learn about the other elements, then you need to be put through a lot during training."

Akame: "He's right, you know? You also have another quirk you should be training."

Y/N: "Yeah, yeah."

I jumped to my feet and stood there looking at her.

Akame: "Well, come on. Or are we just going to stand here and look at each other?"

I looked at Midoriya and saw him get slammed into a tree.

Y/N: "I won't make the same mistakes I did before, just so you know."

Akame: "Good to hear."

I created an ice sword and held it and smirked at her. Lightning started to surround me, I was instantly behind her and jabbed the sword at her, but she dodged and grabbed the sword and crushed it. I jumped back.

Akame: "You can do better then that, I hope."

Y/N: "I can, but I don't feel like burning these trees down."

I ran at her with ice trailing behind me. She went to punch me but I slid between her legs, trapping her feet in ice. She quickly started punching the ice around her feet. Once she freed one of her feet she looked behind her and saw me go for a punch to her head. It impacted with her face and her feet came out of the ice and she slid back a bit.

Akame: "That was a good hit."

Y/N: "Thanks, I try sometimes."

Akame: "But, you really shouldn't be holding back. Again."

She ran at me and I had fire around my hand and I went to punch her. She dodged and punched me in the gut. I fell to my knees and started coughing up saliva.

Akame: "Stop holding back, or this will be like last time."


We were done training for the day and we all walked over to the tables.

Pixie-Bob: "Now, remember what I said yesterday? Today's the only day we'll be doing stuff for you!"

Ragdoll: "At least make you own food! Curry!"

Everyone: "Yessir..."

Ragdoll: "You all look exhausted! But that doesn't mean you can make any sloppy cat food!"

Tenya: "It's true that part of rescuing someone is filling the stomachs and spirits of those exhausted during a disaster. That's U.A. for you! No opportunity wasted! Let's make the most delicious curry in the world, everyone!"

Everyone: "Okay..."

We started making the food, Todoroki and I were making sure there were fires so they could heat the food. Others were thanking us for the fire and others were working on the food. Once the food was done we all sat at a table with a plate of it. I was eating mine, until I saw Kota walking off into the forest and I saw Midoriya looking at him. I walked over to Midoriya.

Y/N: "Hey."

Midoriya: "Oh, hey Y/N."

Y/N: "You want to follow him, right?"

Midoriya: "How did you...?"

Y/N: "Just go, bring him food. He is probably hungry right now."

Midoriya: "Yeah, I was planning on it. I'll be going now!"

Y/N: "See you later."

I walked back to the table I was sitting at and started eating again.

A/N: Hello there! My Broken Reality is over and it's time to bring this back now! This is my only story going on at the moment, but I have a job now so it's going to make it harder to update the stories. Over 1100 Words!

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