Power Of Light

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*3rd Person POV*

Civilians were looking up at a giant monitor that was attached to a building. It was showing two things, the fight between All Might and All For One, the other side of the screen was showing Y/N L/N and his father. 

Kirishima: "Why wasn't Y/N fighting back?"

Midoriya: "He might actually know who that person is."

Kirishima: "You think so?"

???: "Because that person he is fighting is very close to him."

They turned around and saw Akame.

Tenya: "Who is he fighting exactly?"

Akame: "Our father."

The Three Of Them: "Wait what?!"

Akame: "Our father may have been known as a top hero, but he was also a villain in the past. I don't know if Y/N will be okay..."

Midoriya: "Are you saying Y/N might..."

Akame: "Die? Maybe... I'm not sure. He wasn't fighting back, but now he seems like he is gonna fight back. One of them might die today."

???: "I know my love will make it through this. He doesn't like to lose or give up."

They looked at Akari, Akame smiled at her.

Akame: "All we can do right now is believe in Y/N and All Might to win."

*Y/N's POV*

Dad: "Do you really think you can protect them? You couldn't save your friend before, it's not going to be any different."

Instead of saying anything back, I charged at him and lit my hands on fire. I started trying to punch him. He kept dodging my hits, he caught my hand and punched me right in the nose and my head bounced back from the hit. He kicked me in the gut and sent me flying back a bit and I rolled a bit on the ground.

Dad: "Really now? You think you have the strength to win?"

I grit my teeth and started rewriting my strength. I started to feel a bit dizzy from it and tried to stand up, but fell to one knee.

Dad: "Let me guess, using your mothers Quirk?"

Y/N: "Fuck you... You let her die!"

I got up and summoned ice at him. He jumped away and shot a fire ball at me, which I dodged. I jumped at him, before I could hit him, he disappeared. I jumped up, knowing that he was coming from behind me. I looked down at him and saw him disappear again. 

Dad: "Not good enough."

I looked up and he slammed his leg down onto me. Sending me right into the ground. Creating a small crater. I tried standing but couldn't, I kept falling back down. I heard him walking towards me. 

Dad: "This is just pathetic. And to think you were my child."

I looked up at him and smirked at him. It started to rain and dark clouds were above us. 

Y/N: "Sorry, Sasuke. Stealing your move. Kirin!"

A dragon shaped lightning came down and hit my father. Smoke was surrounding where he was. I stood up and walked towards where he was. I saw a shard of ice come right at me and I barely dodged. The smoke cleared up and I saw some shadow barrier around him. The barrier disappeared and a dark aura was surrounding him. 

Dad: "Haven't needed to use this power in a while."

*Akame's POV*

Akame: "Oh no..."

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