Ultimate Moves...?

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*Y/N's POV*

I woke up before everyone else, so I went on to do my usual routine. I went back into my room since I still had time before we had to go to school. I started looking through the news on my phone to see what was happening recently. Just a lot of "A hero did this and that" type of shit. I saw an article about my father. None of it made me happy. Someone knocked on my door and I got up and opened it. It was Midoriya.

Midoriya: "Good morning, Y/N."

Y/N: "Morning."

Midoriya: "W-Wanted to let you know that we are all eating breakfast."

Y/N: "Alright."

He seemed... More shy. Maybe it's about last night. I saw him head back down and I went back into my room and put my school uniform on. I walked downstairs and saw everyone eating. I saw them all look at me.

Everyone: "Good morning Y/N!"

Y/N: "Morning guys."

I was walking towards the door to leave

Mina: "Y/N? Aren't you going to eat breakfast?"

Y/N: "I'm just gonna head to school early. I'll see you guys there."

I walked out the door and made my way to school.

*Mina's POV*

I'm a little worried that Y/N isn't eating breakfast. Is he starving himself?

Ochaco: "I'm worried about him..."

Yaoyorozu: "We all are..."

Todoroki: "He did just kill his father, it's gonna affect him badly."

Midoriya: "That does make me curious."

Tenya: "What?"

Midoriya: "He said both of his parents died in front of him. But, he just killed his dad. Who died back then?"

Tokoyami: "I think that Y/N would know the answer to that."

Mina: "I just want him to go back to how he was. He just started opening up to us. Now it just seems like he is distancing himself from us like when he first met us..."

*Y/N's POV*

I was sitting at my desk and I was listening to music, waiting for class to start. I was the only one in class. I put my head down and closed my eyes, haven't really been sleeping that well recently... I felt someone tap my shoulder and I lifted my head. No one was there, but there was an apple on my desk. I looked around to see if the person that left it there was looking. I saw Mina quickly look away, I sighed and grabbed the apple and started eating it. I took my earbuds out after I finished eating the apple. I noticed Aizawa still wasn't here. So I put my head back down. I felt something hit me in the head this time. I picked my head up again and saw a piece of paper rolled up on my desk. I picked it up and read it.

"Are you okay???" - Mina

I looked over at her and she was looking at me. She looked worried. I gave her a thumbs up and saw Aizawa come in.

Aizawa: "I believe I mentioned this yesterday,  but for now, Class 1-A of the hero course will be focuisng on getting their provisional licenses."

Everyone: "Yes, sir!"

Aizawa: "A hero license bears with it the great responsibility of human life. Of course, the exam to receive one is very difficult. Even the provisional license has only 50% passing rate each year."

Only 50% percent?

Aizawa: "That's why today, we will have each of you come up with at least two..."

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