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*Y/N's POV*

I looked around and saw all of the Ectoplasm's. I disappeared and punched all of them and returned to where I was standing. All of them disappeared. 


Ectoplasm: "I-It would seem that Y/N took all of them out without us seeing him do it."


I reverted back to my normal self, my head hurts a bit. I looked towards the door.

Y/N: "Am I done here?"

Ectoplasm: "Are you planning on working on another ultimate move?"

Y/N: "Another one? I'll think about another one."

I then saw All Might walk in. I walked over to Midoriya and told him something. He then started going to the other students to give them advice. He walked up to me and looked me in the eyes. He smiled at me.

All Might: "Is it alright if we talk outside?"

Y/N: "Sure."

All Might and I made out way outside and we turned towards each other. 

Y/N: "What do you want to talk this time?"

All Might: "You impress me every time I see you."

Y/N: "Thanks..."

All Might: "But I can tell, you aren't the same as you were when you came to this school. If anything, Young Y/N, you have started to distance yourself from others."

Y/N: "And? Is that all you wanted to talk about?"

All Might: "Is it about that night? Is that what is bothering you?"

Y/N: "Why does it matter to you?"

All Might: "You are one of my students, I'm gonna worry about your well being."

Y/N: "I am just fine."

All Might: "Your classmates don't seem to think that."

Y/N: "They can think what they want."

All Might: "What happened to you?"

Y/N: "..."

I turned my back to him.

Y/N: "I have my own goals that I need to accomplish. I don't need any of your guys help."

With that, I started walking away from him, and the school. 


I was chilling my dorm room, I had been here for a couple of hours. Now would be a good time for a walk though. I stepped out of my room and headed downstairs. I was about to go out the doors until I saw some of my classmates come in. 

Kirishima: "Hey! There's Y/N!"

I tilted my head at them. Did they need me for something? They all started walking up to me. 

Mina: "Why did you leave early?"

Y/N: "There wasn't a reason for me to be there."

Todoroki: "You don't think you need to train?"

Y/N: "I have other things I have to do."

Yaoyorozu: "Other things? What do you mean by that?"

Y/N: "It doesn't matter."

Mina: "I'll be the one to say it, why are you being so distant with us?"

Denki: "Mina!"

I walked past them and said nothing, until I opened the doors.

Y/N: "Stop worrying about me. Just act like I'm not here. Okay?"

I said that and shut the doors and started walking towards my apartment. I heard my phone going off and took it out. Mina was calling me. I declined the call and put my phone away. My phone went off again. I took it back out and this time Momo was calling. I declined once again. I heard my phone go off once again. I took it out and saw it was Akame calling. I declined it and texted her, telling her I was on my way home. Once I made it there I walked in and saw my clone. Sitting on the couch, watching TV.

Y/N: "I see you are getting used to being here."

C/N: "Yep. Also, I did get my name changed. It's C/N."

Y/N: "Good. We have things we need to discuss."

Akame: "Welcome back."

I see Akame walk around the corner.

Y/N: "Thanks, I guess."

Akame: "I heard you left school early. Why?"

Y/N: "We aren't discussing this right now."

Akame: "You have been acting differently."

Y/N: "Oh? Care to explain?"

Akame: "You avoided a hug from your own girlfriend and didn't even say bye to her. You saved your clone, and now you are acting like you don't really care to be a hero."

Y/N: "Me? Being a hero? Ha, that's a funny one. How can one be a hero when he has killed people?"

Akame: "..."

Y/N: "Exactly. The pros don't kill. I have. There is no way in hell they are going to let me be a hero in the first place."

Akari: "If that was true, then they would have kicked you out by now."

Akari walks out from the corner.

Akari: "If anything, you are more like an anti-hero."

Akame: "Y/N, you have always wanted to be a hero."

Y/N: "Yeah? Well, that changed when I killed our father."

Akame: "..."

Akari: "Y-Y/N?! Don't tell me you're going to join the League of Villains!"

Y/N: "Never said I was. You see, I realized I'm not cut out to be a hero. Being a Villain isn't my thing either."

Akame: "So... You're just going to give up...? What happened to my brother that never gave up?"

Y/N: "He died that night. You saw me die, did you not?"

Akari: "We did..."

Y/N: "I am still the same, just a bit broken. I don't want people to see me like this..."

Akame: "What are you saying?"

Y/N: "I have a goal right now, shouldn't take too long. But, that means I won't be going to classes much."

C/N: "Is that why you need to discuss somethings with me?"

Y/N: "Correct."

Akame: "Can you tell me about this goal you have?"

Y/N: "Not now. At some other time I will."

 I heard knocking at the door. I walked towards the corner and looked at Akame.

Y/N: "If they ask for me, tell them you haven't seen me."

Akame: "Fine..."

Akame opened the door.

Mina: "Sorry to appear out of nowhere, but we were wondering if you have seen Y/N?"

Akame: "Sorry, but I haven't seen him since he moved into the dorms..."

I walked away and to Akari's little brothers room. I opened it and saw him in his bed, resting...

Y/N: "Haru... Soon, you will feel better..."

A/N: What will Y/N's goal be? We will find out soon enough! Over 1000 Words!

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