Rescue Yourself

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*Y/N's POV*

I opened my eyes and saw that I was in my room. About time I didn't end up in a hospital. I got up and looked over at my dresser. I saw a note. The first thing I read on it was that my dad wrote this...

"Son, if you are reading this then that means I was killed. Maybe by you or someone else that's family. If it was you than I'm proud of you. You have grown up so much. I am writing this because you are most likely curious about your clone and where he is. I took him back to where he was created. He was last being tested on, again. I left him there. If you go to where you met me in the forest, you will know where to go from there. You can decide from there what you want to do with him. That is if he is okay. I love you my son. Goodbye."



Akame: "Y/N? Are you awake?"

I walked over to my door and opened it. Akame was surprised to see that I was awake.

Y/N: "You seem surprised."

Akame: "I'm just glad you are okay."

Akame smiled at me.

Y/N: "A little sore, that's it."

Akame: "Akari will be happy to know you are awake."

Y/N: "I bet she will be."

She frowned at me now.

Akame: "Y/N, are you--"

Y/N: "Okay? I don't know. Does anyone else know that was our father?"

Akame: "Yes, soon after your fight, people took notice that it was our father."

Y/N: "Not surprised."

I walked by her, I was heading for the front door.

Akame: "All Might and Aizawa came here earlier. They were looking to talk to you about moving into the dorms. They told me to give them a call when you woke up."

Y/N: "Okay."

I put my shoes on and opened the front door.

Akame: "Where are you going?"

Y/N: "I still have things I need to do. I'll be back later."

I walked out the front door and saw Akari looking at me. Tears almost coming out of her eyes. She jumped at me to hug me, I moved out of the way. She got up and looked at me, confused.

Akari: "Y/N...?"

Y/N: "Sorry, maybe later..."

I walked away and down the road. The forest huh...?


I made it to where my father tried to have me join them... I looked around for a hint to where I should go. I looked at a tree and saw a small scratch on it. I walked by it and saw more trees with scratches. I followed them until I saw an opening in the forest with no trees. I saw a small hut. I walked up to the door and opened it. I saw stairs leading to somewhere. I went down them quietly and saw it was a huge lab. A lot of tubes and a couple of scientist down here. I might not want to alert them.

Scientist 1: "Did F/N say what to do with Y/N's clone if he died?"

Scientist 2: "I don't think so..."

Scientist 1: "We could just experiment more."

I looked to my left and saw a lever. Wonder what this does. I pulled it and all of the lights went out.

Scientist 2: "WHAT DID YOU DO?!"

Scientist 1: "ME?! I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING!"

Scientist 3: "WHO TURN THE LIGHTS OFF?!"

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