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To conquer without risk is to triumph without glory.

- Pierre Corneille

Song : Christiana Perri Arms.

If there is one thing William hates is interaction with people new people enterily, he feels suffocated, trapped with whole new people trying to mask his frustration with a smile a forced smile actually.

And that's exactly what he was feeling like when he stood in his house with bunch of people handling over their warm welcome of course he knew they meant well, but this is him, he can't feel free around new people.

He was quietly hoping for them to leave so he can get to breath freely.

"Thank you so much for coming over" he showed the last guest to the  door silently praying for him not to strike up a conversation. The Lord was on his side this time as the man nodded.

"Welcome to the neighborhood man" he forced a smile once again as the man left.

He closed the door with a soft this releasing a breath he was holding for the  past few hours.

"You do know, one day you are going to get comfortable around this people right"? His wife said as he watched her gently climbed on the stairs. He followed her instantly placing his hand on her back.

"I know, its just that" he sighed "I don't know, meeting new people, it kinda freak me out".

"You need to get over this your freakish thing Will" his wife said as she opened the door of their bedroom.

"I will, someday" he replied, shutting the door behind him quietly. He quickly discard his attire feeling a fresh cool air hitting his upper naked body. He closed his eyes inhaling softly, now this is more like him, a calm place with just him and his beautiful wife.

"I will be in the shower" she called out, he opened his eyes discarding the rest of his clothes, he made his way to the bathroom seeing his wife naked in her glory with her cute little baby bump showing, his baby.

He entered into the bathroom, placing a soft kiss on her neck, he felt her gasp tilting her head giving him more access, he then grazed his teeth softly not too hard, but hard enough to leave a mark.

"William" she moaned quietly, her voice was already hoarse. He cupped her breasts in his hands pinching her nipples, they became hard instantly.

He turned her around, staring her. Her eyes were already clouded with lust, he smirked knowing too well he probably looked like her.

"William please" she pleaded. Without wasting time he claimed her mouth into his, he nibbled on her lower lip his hands travelled down he cupped her ass as she gasped, he snaked his tongue into her mouth kissing her senseless.

Only pulling away when she was gasping for air.

He attacked her neck, sinking his teeth into her flesh, while she grasp his hair.

"Oh shit William". She moaned arching forward, he took one of her nipples into his mouth, butting, sucking. His hand carressed her thighs to her ass back to her dripping core, he circled her clitoris before putting a finger into her waiting core.

"Oh sweet lord" she moaned pulling his hair, while he worked in and out of her pussy. He added another finger, then another as he kept fingering her pussy.

"William"! She screamed, he knew she was close so he pulled out his fingers.

"Wh-" she couldn't get to finish the sentence as he replaced his fingers with his dick.

He picked her up placing her back against the tiled wall, as she wrapped her legs around his waist, then he began pounding into her careful enough not to press his weight on her belly.

"Yes! Yes!! Yes!!!" she kept chanting, swearing as he pounded into her the more.

"I am close William. Williammmmmmm" she groaned moaned as she creamed on his dick, he thrust into her one time as his own orgasm took over him.

He kept his head in her neck trying to get his breathing back to normal.

"That was...  Amazing" she giggled unrap her legs from his waist, he gently placed her down, turning on the shower. He washed her body, washed his as they made their way back to the bedroom.

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