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I think there?s a difference between a gamble and a calculated risk.
- Edmund North.

Song _ right now.

Evelyn stared out the window clenching her knuckles tightly, this is bad, this is so bad. What would that make her? Would she ever be able to forgive herself?

The sound of her phone pulled her out of her thoughts, her fiancé's name flashed on the screen , she swallowed hard. Guilt was slowly making it's way up. She tapped on the green button bringing the device up to her ear.

"Baby" she breathed as soon as she heard his voice. "Yeah I went out" she glanced at William who had his eyes focused on the road but his fists gripped the steering wheel hard. "Yeah, I will be back soon. Uh-huh, I miss you. Yeah love you" she ended the call.

Letting out a breath, this is so wrong. How did he cornered her into doing something this absurd not to mention totally illegal.

"We are here" his voice pulled out of her thoughts again, something she has been doing ever since he told her that faithful night. She opened the car stepping, together the both walked into the building.

"Welcome sir, ma'am" .

"I need a room".


Now in a room with Evelyn he could see the conflict in her eyes she doesn't want this but yet her body is betraying her. Sure he will work on the guilt part later but right now, he got to get Evelyn.

He shrugged off his shirt dress, with his chest bare and his muscles showcasing, it was only a matter of time before Evelyn will succumb.

Evelyn watched him quietly his abs on display, and the way his muscles were ripping with every movement, she couldn't help but imagine what his dick will look like or feel like rather. For now she pushed away all the guilt part and focused on the sex god.

"It's going to be one time thing right"? She asked as she took off her top.

"Yeah". He  replied his eyes moving down to her clothed breast. Brilliant.

"And it's just between us yes"? She reached for her trouser and slipped off it, now standing in just her bra and panties, matching bra and panties.

"Yeah" he sucked in a sharp breath, moving closer to her. "Just between us, I won't tell a soul and it's just one time thing". He placed his hand on shoulder, letting it fall slowly slowly until he cupped her breast she arched forward against him.

She could feel her arousal already, dripping onto her panties. "Get in the bed" . Immediately she found herself obeying, she got onto the bed waiting for his next order.

William took off his trouser leaving just his brief boxer, he got onto the bed gripping Evelyn's knees as he drew her closer. He stared at the piece of fabric, obstacle standing between his dick and her pussy. He tugged it aside, bringing his head down to inhale her intoxicating scent.

"I can't wait to fuck you".

"Then please do" her voice was strained, husky and her chest was heaving up and down, she reached her bra hook and took it off, now her chest was completely bare to William.

William growled in appreciation having to see her breasts in reality it was far better than his dreams or imaginations, they weren't big but full and firm and perky. He stared at the mounds before taking one into his mouth.

"Ahhh"!! Evelyn moaned as William sucked onto her nipple, his other hand settled on her pussy. He bit gently on her nipple as she arched forward.

"Please" she found herself pleading. "Please touch me". And he did just that his finger rubbed her clitoris, she felt herself gasping, and grabbing the sheets.

He worked on her clit his fingers going down further until it reached her entrance, all the previous thoughts of guilt flew out the door. She gasped softly.

Without warning he thrust a finger into her heated pussy. She gasped as she bit her lip.

William's mouth was attached to her nipple as his finger worked it's magic. "oh"! She moaned thrusting upward riding his finger.

"Oh, yes, yes, yes"!

He kept fingering, hitting every spot available, while she moaned in pleasure writhing underneath him, chanting his name.

"Oh God"! She gasped "I am so close,fuck shit I am cuming".

"Cum" he commanded, instantly Evelyn came undone toe curling earth shattering orgasm.

Willliam's digit never left her pussy even as she came he kept pumping in and out until she came again.

She let out a breath of relief as she came down from her high. William stood up taking out his last piece of clothing which was his boxer briefs . He removed her pants too, now they were both naked he stared at her figure watching with hungry eyes.

"Fuck" he cursed climbing onto the bed, he rolled the latex glove around his length, he positioned himself towards her entrance.

Evelyn stared at the large man before, she has never seen such a big huge dick, he was by far bigger than her fiancé. She couldn't help but wonder how it will fit inside her.

Her thoughts were interrupted when the tip of his dick invaded her pussy. "Oh shit".

Gradually gradually gradually the whole of him was inside her cunt. "fuck"! He groaned trying not to cum down undone the way her walls was clenching around him is making it fucking hard to concentrate.

"You. Are. So. Fucking tight"! He spoke.

"Move". And that was all it took him to pull and ram into her, hard and fast.

"Oh God, oh fuck, oh my"!. She kept moaning as William fucked her pussy hard and fast.

"You like it don't you"? He asked in between, grabbing one of her nipples pinching it hard.

She could only moan in return. "Answer me"!

"Yes, yes I do" she replied instantly, he thrusts into more and more, she held on his biceps, screaming his name.

"Oh God, right there. I am so close".

William thrust into her one more time and they both reached their heights.

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