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Risk, a four letter word yet powerful.


Song. Cut.

There are some things in life that people can't change, changing William's feelings towards Evelyn was one of them. His wife Jenna stared at her husband, her heart clenched, broke and sank altogether. She loved him, it was no joke, was she hurt when he told her the truth? Yes. She felt betrayed yes? But she can't change the way he felt for her much younger neighbour and someone she called a friend and a sister.

She had three options.

1. Demand William to relocate and go somewhere far away from here.
2. Make him end the relationship with her, and also confront Evelyn.
3. Let him follow his heart and filled for a divorce.

All those were hard options, she could do so, or make him do so but it would not change the fact that his heart yearned and longed for Evelyn.

She wiped away a lone tear that escaped, sat back on the bed, moving strands of hair on his face, he looked troubled even in his sleep, his beards had grown and he was looking more than attractive. She smiled staring at him, right then, she knew what to do, she stood took her phone sent Evelyn a quick text, coat, keys and went out.

Immediately Evelyn's phone chimed she picked it up and read Jenna's message her heart sank, she knew something was up, she couldn't just avoid her again.

She told her mom, she wanted to go out for a walk, she went out. Her mind was running wild, different thoughts and imaginations altogether making her feel like the worst human possible.

When Evelyn approached Jenna, she saw her sitting on a bench in the park not to far from her house, she moved closer to her , her heart beating faster, her stomach churning.

"Hi". She said when she took a seat beside her, they were both quiet each have a thoughts of their own.

A good fifteen minutes since she arrived before Jenna spoke. "You know the first time I saw you, I found a friend and a sister in you". Jenna was staring at head with a sad smile on her.

"You have been avoiding me, it's okay though, I guess. William told me everything".

Evelyn heart sank, this woman right here doesn't deserve this.

"I asked myself 'what went wrong', 'why me'? But I guess love works differently you know"? Out of shame Evelyn brought her head down.

Jenna started to cry, she covered her face with her palms and cried, those tears pierced through Evelyn's heart. She doesn't deserve this, no one does. Her own tears too escaped, she cried along side Jenna. She cried for everything, for every damn thing.

"I am so sorry" Evelyn managed to say. "You have". Hiccuped "No" hiccuped "Idea" hiccuped "how" hiccuped "much" hiccuped "sorry" hiccuped "I am".

They both cried, each with their own pains. None of them could console one another.

Jenna was the first to wipe away her tears, Inhaled deeply before she could say anything.

"Promise me one thing, promise me if I give up my husband for you, you will make my sacrifice worth it".

"What"? Evelyn asked, the waterfalls were still falling staring at her in disbelief . "What do you mean Jenna"?

"I want his happiness Eve, and you happen to be the one".

"God no, no, no, no, I can't do this, I have done enough already, I can't. I am getting married this weekend Jenna, how could I possibly do..". She trailed off letting the words hang in the air.

"You can Eve, you love him too don't you? Your heart desires him, right? Then be with him, don't do something you'd end up regretting". Evelyn could only stare at Jenna, how could someone be this selfless? How was she able to handle this situation well? How was she able to talk so damn well in this? How was she able to be calm in every way possible.

"I don't deserve this". Evelyn whispered. "I don't deserve you, I don't deserve your forgiveness". She bit her lower lip.

Jenna could only offered a sad smile. "I know". She took Evelyn's hands into hers. "But between me and you, I am somehow glad it's you not someone else". She was trying to enlighten the situation, she succeeded in doing so, because she got Evelyn to let out a tiny chuckle.


When William woke he felt the same way before crying himself to sleep, the house was quiet and the sun was gradually setting into the sky, he stood by the window in the bedroom staring at Evelyn's window.

This weekend she would become a married woman, and to God the more he thought about it, the more his heart sank, he longed, craved, yearned for her. He wanted to be the one she'd end up with. He felt the presence of his wife but he was occupied to take a glance at her.

""Beautiful isn't she"? Jenna asked.

He couldn't cast away his eyes from the window, even though he couldn't see her, that didn't stop him from staring.

"I spoke with her". Jenna said quietly.

He nodded. "I am sorry Jenna, you don't deserve this".

"I know, that's why I am letting you go, you are right I deserve better". He was torn between happy and sad, happy, he get to pursue Evelyn. Sad, he was still at lost. Jenna would leave and Evelyn would end up with fucking Jacob.

Instead of saying anything more, he kept apologizing over and over again.

It took courage, strength to give something up. For Evelyn she would forever be in debt to Jenna. She gave up her husband, the father of her child for his happiness.

Two days left for her to walk down the aisle Evelyn confessed her infidelity to Jacob, he was hurt, devastated and heart broken. He took the news to heart, I mean, who wouldn't?

"I just hope you know what you are doing". Was all her mother said.

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