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Risk, at least once
In your life.

Song- in your arms.

The large sexy man wasted not more than a second when he slammed her against the wall.

"You have no idea what that does to me" she was already a mess with her mouth open.

"How I've longed to hear those words coming out from your mouth" he trailed his fingers over her soft silky skin, gripping her thigh. His fingers kept moving settling against the ban of her panties.

"I can already feel the heat of your pussy Ms Evelyn". He was teasing her running his fingers all over the thin fabric covering her sex.

"Please, please, please" she begged and chanted. He smiled dropping her on her legs. Taking off his suit, her eyes wandered off to his body even though he's still basically covered the shirt did nothing to hide his firm yet soft muscles, it did nothing to hide the outline of his abs.

He slammed her back against the wall ripping off her panties immediately, his fingers teased her clit down to her opening, she was already wet.

"Damn woman" he growled plunging two digit into her channel, she gasped and clenched around his fingers.

The sexy man pulled out and pushed back into her hot tight cunt. "Please" she gripped onto his biceps. "Please" she whispered.

Instantly he pulled out and slammed back into her pussy. She gasped gripping onto him so hard, Evelyn closed her eyes shut, mouth hanging open. She was in a bliss,  in a state of euphoria she never want it to end.

"You like this "? He asked using his thumb to rub her clit. She couldn't respond her mind was in a haze, she was long gone.

"Answer me" he growled.

"Yeah, yes... " she whispered.

"You want my cock little Evelyn"? His digit were going in and out of her pussy,  his thumb flicking and rubbing on her clit, the feeling was too much, she could feel the familiar feeling of pleasure raising deep in the pit of her stomach. William sensed it too, she clenched tightly around his digits, he had to grit his teeth, strain himself for now cuming instantly.

"Oh, shit, oh fuck. I am cuming" she moaned and with one last flick on her clit she spamed screaming and chanting his name all over till she calmed down from her high.

William didn't wait when he aligned his cock at her entrance. He knew once he let her down she'd start playing the 'Oh God, I screwed up again , this is so wrong'card, and he wouldn't want such opportunity to pass him by.

He slammed into her, he groaned she's just so fucking perfect and her walls are unbearably clenching around his length.

He pulled out again and went back into her channel. "Evelyn" he rasped gritting his teeth together, she will make him cum instantly if she doesn't stop clenching around his length.


"Oh fuck" he groaned as she rocked her hips against his hard rod. He knew she'd be the death of him. He moved her from the wall to his table the content falling to the ground.

He slammed back into her, rocking his hips into her ,her moan and grunts were the only sound one could hear.

William ran his hand over her toned stomach to her perky breasts settling his hand on her neck, holding her right in place not too tight, not too lose either.

"Oh, oh. Ahh"! Her eyes rolled back as she arched forward with each thrust.

When he hit her g spot she screamed clenching down on him hard. "Evelyn" he growled as his orgasm was fast approaching. He gently pulled out from her only to slammed back into her harshly.

"Oh William, I am __" she couldn't complete the sentence as her orgasm took over her that she saw stars.

After few more thrusts William stilled as his own orgasm took over him.

He pulled out of her gently back away a bit.

Evelyn came down from her high as she stares between her naked pussy to William who was still staring at her cunt oozing out of more milk and whispered a quiet.  "fuck".

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