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Try taking a risk
You only live once.

Song- conqueror.

The aftermath dawned on her she didn't only lose whatever self control she had she fucked him again, or more like he did.

She awkwardly adjusted her dress, her panties were ripped off she had no choice order than to go home pantless.

"Here". William handed her bouquet of flowers with a small picnic basket to deliver to his wife. She sucked in a sharp breath as she took the items from him.

She fucked him and fucked up again. She blinked back the tears that were threatening to fall. She couldn't let him see her cry, it wasn't even his fault it was entirely hers. She lost her control and ended up underneath him.

"Ms Evelyn" William started attempting to ease whatever discomfort she was feeling but she simply shook her head as she silently made her way out of his office.

Evelyn left his office seeing the man she met her earlier ducking his head down, with a faint blush gracing his cheeks. Of course he knew what went behind that fucking closed door.

She groaned as she subtly made her way to the elevator in the caged metallic box Evelyn cried to heart content. She cried for cheating not only Jenna but Jacob too. And for being so stupid to forget protection, good thing she was on birth control, but still yet having a risky sex like that. Jesus Christ!!

Oh poor Jacob she thought about him and broke into a full sob. Her body shook her heart sank, it clenched whenever she thought about the two innocent people.

When the metallic box dinged and the door slid open, she wiped her eyes with the back of her hand kept her head down and made her way out of the building.

It was already late in the afternoon or evening the sun was gradually setting in, just how long has she been in there with him? She checked her phone and saw how she had spent roughly fours with him.

With a sigh, she balanced the items in her hand and head home.


"What took you so long Eve"? Jenna asked as soon as she stepped into her house.

"I'm sorry I got carried away with something". Yup carried away with her husband's dick.

"I was worried you know and I tried calling it wasn't connecting" the concern etched on Jenna's face made Evelyn heart sank she wished she had never stepped her foot in the building or better still agreed to his proposal.

"You okay"? Jenna asked softly standing beside her.

She gave a tight lipped smile. "I am, I am going home see you tomorrow"?. With that she made her way to her house.

The distraughted young lady got home stripped of her clothing heading straight into the bathroom, again she cried she couldn't look at her in the mirror.

She just couldn't believe even after telling herself repeatedly she wouldn't fall for him charms she found herself doing the exact same thing she was telling herself not to.

She lathered her hair with her shampoo, washing off, she did the same with the conditioner. Then proceeded on washing her body.


William glanced at Evelyn's window the sills were down along with the curtains. He heaved a sigh raking his hand through his wet hair, he never planned on fucking her but something about her just kept dragging him back, drawing her closer to her. The closer he gets to her the more he needs more of her, he fucking knew it was wrong to fuck her, but lord. Her pussy was made for him.

"Will"? Jenna's voice cleared away his thoughts, he swiftly brought the curtains down climbing onto the bed.

"Hey" she whispered sitting up properly "You okay"?

"Yeah, I am. You should go back to bed baby" he planted a soft kiss on her forehead tucked her back into bed until her breathing became even before he climbed out of the bed heading towards the gym facility.


Evelyn woke up feeling like a train ran over her head, she cried herself to oblivion, just the thoughts of those innocent souls made her eyes water again. The shirrling of her phone ceased her guilty thoughts she reached over to the table beside her bed tapping on the green button.

"Jacob" she murmured his name her lips trembling in few months she will be tying the knot with him and....

"Good morning princess. How was your sleep"?

"It was fine" she replied the guilt was still eating her slowly.

"I want to hang out with you later princess. I missed you" she could imagine him pouting, that somehow brought a smile to her face.

"I will come pick you up later. I love you " he hung up the call as she stared the blank screen.

She pulled herself up lazily and started the day and while she was at it she vowed never to go back to his bed again, okay she said that times without number but this time she was determined to get it through.

Mr William I am done with you. She thought.

But the question really was. Is she?

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