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Decision is a risk rooted in the courage of being free.
- Paul Tillich

Song : Wanted you more.

Over the next few weeks William was able to erase the thought of Evelyn in his head, he got busy and rarely see her. He knew it will fade soon, it was just a phase. Oh but wrong he was.

William came back home early, tired from working all day he decided to come back home have a nice shower, dinner and probably some wine before retiring to bed . When he entered into his house he called out to his wife , she didn't respond he called out again and again still yet the whole place was quiet.

Shocked, confused and worried he dropped his briefcase checking the backyard, their room, bathrooms, then finally kitchen. He saw a figure by the counter with ear buds in. He sighed without thinking he moved closer wrapping his arms around her waist.

He sniffed her neck, it wasn't the scent he knew, this scent was calm, refreshing even. "Hmmmm, you got me worried baby".

His hands snaked up running it over her stomach, he couldn't feel the baby bump, he ran over it again still yet it was flat, toned, he became alarmed and instantly turn her over face to face.

There he saw Evelyn the young woman that gave him serious sleepless nights and endless fantasy, and here he was thinking he's done thinking about her, she has been erased from his memory but how wrong he was oh how fucking wrong he was.

He instantly dropped his hands to his side, clearing his throat.

"I am sorry, I didn't hear you come and when you hugged me I freaked out, I don't know what to do. I am sorry so sorry she told me to stay and until she gets ba-". He stopped her rambling by raising a hand.

"It's fine" with that he turned away heading upstairs.

Once in their room, he slammed the door hard.

"I should have fucking know, the scent isn't the one I am used to and now" he sniffed his dress shirt, which surprisingly is scenting like Evelyn.

"This is bullshit" with annoyance he ripped his buttons off heading into the bathroom, he turned on the cold water standing in the shower letting it poured down on him, he scrubbed his body under the cold water still yet the scent still linger in the air her fucking scent.

He turned off the shower, quickly dressing up, he took the shirt he removed throwing it far away where he couldn't see or ever wear it again.

William sat at the edge of the bed resting his face in his palms, this wasn't how he planned his evening to be, come home, shower, dinner, wine and off to bed. But now he was damn sure he wouldn't be having any well, he wouldn't be having the latter part.

He threw his head back on the bed letting out a frustrated scream, he turned, tossed on the bed. This is bad so bad, those stupid feeling or whatever they are called shouldn't resurface.

"Mr William".

Speaking of the fucking devil. He mumbled under his breath.

"Mr William"? She called out again for the second time. He contemplated answering her or ignoring her he decided on the latter . "I am heading home Mr William bye". Then the sound of her steps going down the staircase.


"I won't, I repeat I won't attend any fucking party or whatsoever".

William has been on the edge ever since he hugged, saw her now she's all he could see, dream and to make it worse he kept seeing her whenever he fucking goes. He kept having dreams, erotic, forbidden dreams about her.

"You will, you must"! Jenna snapped. He gritted his teeth.  He clenched and un-clenched his fists. This can't be happening.

"Okay, I will go, I am sorry" he moved closer to her hugging her to his body. "I am sorry". He kissed the top of her head.

"I don't want us fighting baby, I hate us fighting".

"Great, now get dress". She pulled out of his hug and continue dressing up.

He sighed, just how bad can this get?.


Oh he was wrong it was worst not just bad but worst. He shouldn't have agreed he should stand on his ground not to cave in,  he should have stay in his bed , not here in a party, party of the same woman that has his dick getting hard, that has him masturbating in the damn shower almost every damn time.

He pushed past people, taking the route of the bathroom, being in the house for a couple of times he definitely know his way around.

He stopped at the door when he heard hushed voices, he halted again trying to hear it again.


"Oh shit".

William knew that voice damn well Evelyn's voice in a restroom performing God knows what, he wasn't supposed to get angry, really he wasn't supposed to get. But the anger forming in the pit of his stomach got him wanting to burst the door ripping that bastard of a fiànce of her body.

When he heard another moan again he lost it, he burst the door open without thinking.

"What the fuck"?.

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