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I'd risk everything damn thing to be with you.

William William.

Song. I need you.

The night was filled with passionate sex each had thoughts of their own. William wanted more out of this, Evelyn wanted more too, but she couldn't, she wouldn't. She had betrayed them as it is already.

When the morning rolled in, William laid back in the bed, he wanted to take every damn thing about her into his memory. He'd never want to forget her, in as much as once she wakes up, they'd be on their way, getting on with their lives. He wanted to cherish this memory forever maybe now, he'd focus on his wife and his unborn child. Oh bloody hell who was he kidding? He can't get on with his life. After this he wasn't sure if he would be normal again.

He nuzzled into her neck, her scent along with his engulfed him. He sighed then wrapped her tightly to his body.

"God, I will miss you so fucking much". He murmured. She was still asleep or so he thought.

"I want this, I want this, I want this with you, but you can't. I'd give everything to be with you". He kissed her cheeks then her hair, held her tightly until he felt move against him.

"Please". He pleaded his voice was strained almost like he was about to cry. "Let me hold you, this last time then I will be out of your hair". He added.

Evelyn relaxed under his touch and wrapped her own arms around him.

"One last time" she whispered. "Just this time".


Hours later, William and Evelyn both departed, he offered to take her out for a lunch or to drop her home which she both politely declined. It took everything in his power not to follow her and ask her to stay with him, he had to watch leave until he couldn't see her anymore.

When William got home, he was welcomed by silence in all honesty he doesn't know how he would start explaining why he was out the night something he has never done. With the house quiet, he had time to think and get his thoughts together.

He went into their bedroom, laid on the bed, the faint scent of his wife lingered on the sheets. He exhaled, the images of the previous night flooded through his head. He craved her more than ever, with the thoughts of her, he drifted off to sleep.


Evelyn got back home, she was beyond miserable, no words would describe much she was hurting. It wasn't supposed to be like this, it was supposed to be a one time thing. Hell, it wasn't supposed to happen.

"Eve"? Her mother knocked softly. "Can I come in"?.

"Yes mom, come on in". Her mother came in,  taking a seat at the edge of the bed, Evelyn sat up straight too hugging a pillow to her chest.

"Everything okay"? Her mom asked.

"Yes mom, everything is okay". She lied nothing was okay, nothing will ever be okay.

"Eve" her mother called out. "You can lie to anyone but you can't lie to me,  tell me what is going on, what is really going on"? Her lips wobbled and she began to cry. She hugged her mother, her mother hugged back whispering soft words to her, patting her back gently like how every mother would.

"I don't know what I want mom". She said as she wiped away her tears. "I don't what I am feeling anymore its so wrong of me, but I want it". She was speaking in parables, but her mother understood it.

"It will get better, I don't know what you are going through, but I know you will get through it".

"I can't mom, I can't". Another tear escaped.

"I am sorry baby". Her mother hugged her again. "I am sorry".

Her mother left after she assured her she wouldn't cry again, but she lied after her mom left, she curled up in a fetus position and cried to her heart content.


William knew nothing would be the same again, in all honesty it made everything more complicated and worst, he became so distant more quiet, naturally he wasn't a man of words now, it became worst. He was slowly lossing himself, he knew it, his wife too and in fact everyone with eyes too knew.

He was lossing it, he was. He would stare at her from a far, her pretty smile when she was with her fiancé, or with her mom. Yeah, he was stalking from a far distance.

"We should talk". His wife said, she was almost due. The award of the worst father of the year would go to him.

"What is going on with you? You no longer talk, you give short replies ,stay out late, or when you home, you in the fucking gym doing God knows what! You no even longer fucking touch me or care about us, by us I am referring to the baby in my womb". She livid beyond livid, and he knew.

William sighed pinching the bridge of his nose, this was their first serious argument, she doesn't deserve this.

"I am sorry, I just have a lot on my mind right now".

"Yeah, no shit" she scoffed placing her hands on her hips. "Talk, either you talk or I walk out and if I do, I am never coming back to you ever again".

He stared at her, he was staring at her but his eyes were distant as usual.

"I am sorry Jenna". He was still staring at head.

"What are you sorry for"? She asked, taking a seat beside him, placing a comforting hand on his back.

He had his face down shaking his head slightly. "I am sorry for everything, for being a bad husband, father and everything altogether".

"William". Jenna called out softly. "What is going on? Tell me, if I can help, I will, I am here for you". He rose his head to look at her, her eyes were genuinely concerned about him. Then he started talking, he would tell her the truth.

"I met someone, it was my idea altogether Jenna". His wife was silent beside him, she never uttered a word, she listened to everything he said by the time he was finished all she could do was hug him and let him cry out his heart to her, for it was her first time seeing her husband cry.

William knew deep within himself he was utterly and sincerely in love with Evelyn.

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