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Risk a four letter word with so much meaning.



The young raven beauty made it clear to William she want nothing to do with him, what transpired between was a mistake,  a mistake which will never ever repeat itself.

She busied herself with her up-coming wedding activities, cake tasting, wine tasting, flowers arrangements and the guest. But then in her heart she couldn't erase the thought of that devilish handsome man, the man that sent her into frenzy with his abilities of toe curling orgasms.

"Shit" she muttered quietly, the wetness already pooling in her panties, mere thoughts of him alone get her this excited, but no matter how excited she is she just couldn't make that mistake again, she just can't bring herself to bed him again. It's just plain wrong.

"You doing it again"? Jenna snapped at her.


"The blank stare, zoning out, you doing it again and way too much. Everything okay"? Jenna asked, concerned etched on her beautiful face.

Evelyn heaved a sigh, smiling at her. "Of course I am, just thinking about the arrangements". She lied straight through her teeth.

No woman would be excited to learn that her is husband is screwing other ladies out.


Oh,  good. I need you to pick something from William for me".

"What"? She screamed

Jenna quirked her eyebrows seeing her friend that paled instantly, and then the sudden scream. She felt maybe it was the pressure of the wedding that made her suddenly scream.

"I need you to please help me pick up something from William" this time Jenna said the words slowly. "And cover your mouth you might catch flies".

She snapped her mouth shut frowning her face. "I can't do that Jen".


After debating, arguing and much more arguments, Jenna won. She won, sending Evelyn to her early demise.

Evelyn patted her gown one more time, clearing of any dust and wrinkles on it. She sucked in a sharp breath, head up, chest out she would face him and get what she was assigned to and bolt out without having to converse with him. In her head it sounded better so much better.

When the opened the door all eyes were on her, every activity was held. She felt herself trembling.

Head high, chest out. She reminded herself as she approached a receptionist.

"Hello, good afternoon".

"I want to see Mr William".

The woman raked her attire head to toe before directing her to the elevator. Immediately she got in, she released a sigh of relief.

This is all your fault Jenna. She muttered quietly waiting for the metal box to reach it's destination.

The metal box dinged and the door opened she stepped into a deserted hallway with just a man typing away in his computer.

She cleared her throat gaining the man's attention.

"Hi, good afternoon" she smiled.

The man adjusted his glasses. "Good afternoon, how may I help you"?

Polite she thought.

"I want to see Mr William".

"Okay, do you have an appointment with him"? He reached for his phone immediately.

"No, I don't. I was sent to retrieve something from him by his wife".

"I am sorry, let me quickly inform him".

She nodded her head as the man called William.

"Yes sir, okay. I should send her in? Got it".
He ended the call placing back the phone into its receiver and ushered her in.

She gently knocked on the dark wooden door, his voice rang from inside, she found herself gripping the hem of her dress.

Evelyn pushed the door and stepped inside the office closing the door softly, there he was sitting busy working on something with his tie loose and his calloused fingers gliding swiftly across the keyboard and his hair. Oh lord.

"Hey honey, I am so sorry I had to stress you come down here I was b_".

William's whipped his head so fast it was a miracle his head didn't dislocate from his neck.

"Ms Evelyn"? Her scent gave her away she was with that calming yet erotic scent.

"Mr William . Hi, hey. Uhmm you. Jenna" she stuttered looking like a complete idiot. Whatever happens to head up, chest out?.

"Ms Evelyn"? He called her name again, he was already on his feet, dragging them towards her, while she stood rooted to the ground. Her breathing pattern changing from calm to fast, coming out in short pants. One would think she ran a marathon or race the earth.

They both stood toe to toe head to chest,  with him being up close made her go haywire her senses were a mess, her mind drifted off to the faithful day.

"Ms Evelyn". He called her name softly in a seductive manner.

"Mr William" she replied breathless. Self control or whatever shit was gradually slipping away from her. He used his finger to raise her chin her up staring right into her grey orbs.

Immediately she made eye contact with him, she was a goner a fucking goner. Before he could utter any sentence she beat him to it.

"Fuck me, Mr williams".

5k view people? Oh my lord. Thank you guys a whole lot much.

Enjoy. 😀😀😀

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