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Proverbial wisdom counsels against risk and change. But sitting ducks fare worst of all.
- Mason Cooley

Song : fireflies

William burst into the rest room without thinking, the last moan he heard got him acting without thinking.

"What the fuck man"? Apparently Jacob was helping his sweet fiancé to fix up her zipper that got stuck in her between her dress.

William couldn't say anything, he wanted to apologize but first he felt a wave of relief washed over him, she wasn't having fucking.

"Mr William, what are you doing here"? Evelyn asked, still trying to get the damn zipper to close up. He kept quiet he don't know how to respond to this.

I heard you moaning and I lost my shit, planning to get in here and punch him mercilessly. He wanted to say but he couldn't. Yeah keep fucking trying she's taken. A stupid annoying voice decided to show up at this point of time.

"Mr William"?!

Startled he replied "the restroom".

"Oh yeah? There are many restrooms in the house why bloody hell this one"? Her fiancé snarled, taking a step closer to William , who stood at least a foot and the half shorter.

William swallowed back his rude comment and the fact that he wanted to punch his face.

"Jacob baby, that's enough. He probably don't know where the rest are located". Evelyn placed a gentle hand on Jacob's shoulder, tugging him back a little. Lies, he fucking know where the rest are located.

"Let's go" she held his hand and off they go.

William released a shaky breath his fucking stupid infatuation almost land him in trouble, why must he care if she fucking someone else? Why? He shouldn't care but he found himself getting angry, upset at the mere thought of her being with another man, getting in between her thighs.

"Sweet Jesus" he growled.

When he finally got his shits together he exited the restroom heading back into the dance floor, there he met people dancing, grinding up against one another. He pushed pass his way again for the second time that night.

William found a corner, dark ,having few disco lights giving the corner illuminated light. He sat down crossing his legs, watching the people shouting, whenever a song come up and doing all those bloody shits.

William scanned his the place searching for a particular person, a particular young woman that have him wanting to commit a sin, a forbidden one at that. He let out an exaggerated sigh when he couldn't get even her glimpse in midst of people.

His wife's safety was long forgotten, he had forgotten about his wife, his sole purpose is to get a hold of that raven beauty maybe once he enters her sacred pussy he wouldn't be infantuated with her.

As his eyes kept scanning and searching they finally landed on the young woman, he smirked he planned on having her soon and by soon he meant so fucking soon, immediately the smirk wiped off his face when he found her gummed to her fiancé's body his hands groping her round delectable fuckable ass.

He stood up marched towards the couple tapping Jacob's shoulder.

"Yes? What can I help you with"?.

Get the fuck away from her before I will kill you those words were at the tip of his tongue, he clenched his fist by his side forcing a sickly sweet smile across his face.

"Mind if I have a dance with her"?.

"Sure" wrong idea mate. Jacob moved aside but not before placing a soft kiss on Evelyn's lips.

Again William wanted to rip the fucking man off her body, he forced himself to keep smiling that same sickly sweet smile.

He tugged her instantly her chest flushed against his a zap of electricity soared through him, she might have felt it too because she gasped.

William snaked his hand around her lower back and the other on her neck while he stares down at her.

The choice of the song was sensual almost erotic he found himself getting hard, pressing his erection to her stomach, his eyes never leaving hers. With each move Evelyn would gasp , the gasps do go straight to his dick making it painfully strain against his jean trouser.

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