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Risk it all.


Song-Dirty mind.

The feeling was foreign never in his life has he been in such situation not even with his wife, the idea of someone fucking her didn't dwell on him, and so he again of course thought without thinking

"You can't be serious, this is purely adult napping Mr William, you can't just pick me up like I weigh nothing". Evelyn ranted on and on and all he could stare at was her lips and what it'd feel like to have them against it.

But kissing means intimacy, and the deal was not to be intimate. Oh fuck it!.

He added more gear on the accelerator and drove off, tuning out a ranting Evelyn and her wonderful voice to certain things to his manhood.

"Slow down Mr William, you gonna get us killed and my wedding is coming up"! She screamed, with the w word coming out of her mouth made him to add more power.  Driving into God knows where.


Evelyn came out as soon as he unlocked the doors of the car, running into the other direction, she ran without looking back and frankly it was a stupid idea she doesn't even know where he brought her too, all she knew was she had to run. Driving like he was possessed and ruining her day? What kind of a man does that?

Suddenly she was being picked up the floor again, in less than few hours. She ignored the electric current that flew through her veins when he touched her.

"Drop me Mr William, you can't keep doing this".

He ignored her taking her back to the direction of the same car she ran out of.  She rolled her eyes getting more comfortable on his shoulder. As soon as he approached his car he set her down trapping her with his body, invading her personal space.

"Fucking hell" she muttered quietly, trying to distract herself with other thoughts not wanting to mind the heat radiating off his.

"Ms Evelyn". Her name coming out of his lips did wonders to her lady parts. He has the ability to make her wet even without touching her something Jacob couldn't do.

"I can hear the wheels turning in your head right now and frankly speaking, I want nothing more than to bury myself deep into you".

She inhaled sharply. Son of a bitch. She so much want to deny and say no, but her body was hot already. Damn you William. She cursed inwardly.

"I want to ravish not just your body but your soul too, have you squirming and screaming just for me, and me alone. Fucking me alone" he growled placing his hand on her hip squeezing the flesh tenderly but a bit forceful.

"I want to hear you scream, chant my name as you cum undone before me". She clenched her arousal swallowing the magically thick lump in her throat.

"Then ruin you for every other man" with just that, he had her turned over raising up her gown.

"Mr William we.... No, don-" the words got stuck in her throat when his fingers brushed her clit to her opening back to her clit.

She gasped trying to hold onto anything she could get her hands on.

"Mr William please....".

"Blue really? One of my favorite color" he murmured softly into her ear biting her earlobe.

"I want nothing more than to be inside you Ms Evelyn. You drive me wild without even trying".

Her mind was long forgotten, fuzzy thoughts and judgment and the new foreign sensation building in the deep pit of her stomach. She could cum undone with his words and his fingers grazing her clit.

"Tell me what you want Ms Evelyn". He whispered quietly into her ear.

"Tell me what you want and I will do just that". He knew he had her where he wanted she was open, vulnerable and horny.

"I.. I want you to make me cum". She replied, inhaling sharply as his fingers made contact with her core.

"Your wish is my command". He ripped off her panties and plunged his fingers into her channel.

"Oh my God". The pain and pleasure mixed together was exhilarating. It was nothing she had ever experienced before. Actually everything with this particular man felt wrong and right at the same time.

"That's it" he cooed softly into her ear. "He won't make you feel good, he fucking won't". He added another finger using his thumb to play with the little clit.

She gasped at the sudden stretch screwing her eyes shut as she moaned softly feeling herself getting closer to the edge.

"Let it go, cum for me". He ordered and without further ado she came apart, panting and screaming his name.

He held her tightly against his body until her orgasm subsided placing tenderly kisses on her hair, inhaling her unique scent.

"You are beautiful Ms Evelyn". He murmured quietly. Listening to her quiet soft breath. How can someone be absolutely beautiful even without trying?. The idea of someone else doing this made him want to take her keep her all to himself.

"Let go of me  Mr William" Evelyn struggled out of his hold after she came down, even after everything she always find herself ready to his bidding. Fucking hell at every given time.

Not once, not twice she had betrayed the people that trusted her with everything.

"Don't please". He whispered, the battles running wild inside her head he could hear them as clearly as a broken tape.

"No, don't" she moved out of his hold, keeping a foot apart.

"I can't do this, you said one time thing and now? It's been going on for long. You can't just do this to me, I am getting married fucking married and you are married and oh my God Jenna"! Her voice shook when she recalled how much of a terrible human she is.

William made an attempt to hold her again she kept another distance.

"This ends now Mr William. I am getting married, I don't need any complications". She stated firmly, but yet in her heart was a giant hole.

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