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I risked everything.
And I don't regret a thing.


Song. Someone to you.

The morning after they had finished their breakfast and taken a bath, William held Evelyn's hands grasping the both into his.

He ran his thumbs over her knuckles and exhaled softly so much to say, so many questions to ask, so many confessions to make but all flew out with her being with him. William brought up her hands kissing the back of it softly.

"Mr William". Evelyn started, William chuckled just last night / early dawn she was moaning his name, yet she was now calling him Mr William.

"What"? Evelyn questioned her cheeks becoming red already. She bit her lip and used her hair to shield her face.

"Oh, I don't know given that last night /this morning you were screaming and moaning my name and now we are back to formalities". William mused a smile broke on his face as he stared at his woman before him, how can she be a vixen on bed and a total innocent being when they are done.

Her cheeks reddened more as she used more of hair as a shield. William let out a deep chuckle that sent delirious shiver through Evelyn's body. He then cleared his throat sat up straight with a serious face to talk.

"Little Evelyn i-".

"No, let me go first". Evelyn exhaled softly intertwining her fingers together. "What we did is wrong in so many ways".

"That'-". William interrupted but Evelyn held her hand up and he kept quiet his heart sank was she going to end everything for real real this time? Did three years of being apart from each other did this? Or did they drilled some kind of religious quotes in her head and she was here to end it? His thoughts were going up and down but nevertheless he paid attention to her.

"Being apart of you broke me in many ways I knew I should have fought for us but at that moment I couldn't". Then her eyes met his. "I know I did wrong for not being in touch with you, my phone was seized and my credit card but that's by the way, I am here now". She grasped his large hands into hers and couldn't help but feel completed. Her thumb grazed lightly over his knuckles.

"Little Evelyn". William called her softly he was relieved she wasn't ending this but furious for what her relatives did. He could take it but not her.

"I was never mad at you, just worried but not mad. I asked after you from your mom she never said a word I think I have stalked your house and Jacob's". She didn't miss the way he growled his name.

"All to no avail, I was ready to search everywhere for you, every damn place".

"Now that I have you, I am never letting you out of my sight". He pulled her until she was rested on his laps. His hand on her waist the other on her thigh.

William nuzzled into her neck inhaling her scent, he would never get tired of her and her in general. "I love you". He murmured against her neck, he felt her shivered then sighed. "I really do love you little Evelyn".

Evelyn ran her fingers lazily through his hair since his face was buried in her neck, she couldn't see his face.

"I love you more". Finally she admitted it out loud to him, it felt right to finally say the words and mean it.

William smiled in her neck, tighten his hold on her waist. "Fuck, I can't get enough of you". Then he began kissing her neck, sucking on the skin, her collar bone. Evelyn gasped tugging on his hair unconcinously.

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