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You miss one hundred percent of the shots you never take!
- Unknown

Song: Taylor Swift - Delicate.

It has been a month already since they moved into the new neighborhood, and it has been surprisingly good so far, he is gradually getting free just a little bit though with the people around.

It was Saturday, after the stressful week, all he wanted was to stay in his house cuddling with his wife, all weekend until the following week.

"Hey sweetie, we have been invited to dinner by 7". And there goes his peaceful quiet weekend. He groaned.

"Can't we skip?" he asked hopefully knowing too well the answer is no.

"No". He watched as she walked away Into the house. He groaned running his fingers all over his hair.


William sighed for the fifth time adjusting his shirt, he had checked himself for the umpteenth time .

"Are you ready Will"? Jenna asked fixing her lipstick. He released another sigh and answered. "Yeah, I am done. Ready whenever you are".

"I am done too" she checked herself one more time, grabbed her purse and head out.

Thankfully the house doesn't require a ride, they both walked hand in hand until they reached the house.

Jenna used her free hand and knocked on the door, William let go of her hand tucking his hands in his jean pockets.

The door opened revealing an elder woman with few wrinkles showing around the corner of her eyes.

"Jenna"! She exclaimed as she opened the door wider for them to step inside.

"Martha" Jenna grinned stepping inside first before she pulled the woman into a hug. William stood there staring at the both women.

"William" the woman let go of his wife, pulling him into a hug, William wrapped his arms awkwardly around her waist.

"Great, now let's go in" she clapped her hands together. "Evelyn is so eager to see you Jenna" Martha took Jenna's hand, as they both walked further into the house.

He followed slowly behind them, all he wanted was to be at home with his wife in a blanket or a duvet cuddling. Now he's stuck in a dinner he doesn't want to be.

They both sat down while Jenna was busy chatting with Martha he was ready to get over with the dinner, the sooner the better.

"Jenna"? A soft voice called making him raise up his head to search for the owner of the voice. A beautiful young lady too young actually ,he had seen her once or twice and that seeing includes briefly.

"Evelyn" his wife greeted her face was radiating with happiness.

She stood up walking towards the young lady standing, she opened her hands as they both hug themselves.

"It's been a day already but I miss you".

"Oh please, you and your funny talks, like you actually miss me" Evelyn replied in a playful tone.

"Oh by the way, come meet my husband".

"Is he here with you right now"?

"Yup, he is" with that they both walked towards where he was sitting.

"Sweetie, this is Evelyn, the beautiful soul I became friends with and don't you dare say I didn't tell you so because I know I did, you just didn't pay attention, and Evelyn this is my beloved sweet husband William".

William chuckled standing up to greet the lady properly.

"Hi" she said stretching her hand out for a handshake, William clamped her hand into his, her much smaller softer hand, he held her hand longer than expected.

"Hi, nice to finally meet you Evelyn" he tested the name on his lips and it just sound so fucking perfect. What the just happened? Confused,he let go of her hand sitting down as his wife and the Evelyn both walked away.


"Dinner was lovely Martha, thank you so much" Jenna kissed Martha on her both cheeks as they bade themselves goodnight.

"My pleasure and please do drop by, anytime any day. You are always welcome. Have a great nice William".

"Good night ma'am" he replied politely "Dinner was lovely thank you".

Then the both of them started walking off to their house.

"They seem nice" he said once they got into the house.

"Yes, they are and all very much responsible".

"Hmm " he hummed getting onto the stairs with his wife.

"See it wasn't that bad having dinner with them once in a while, that way you can actually get more and more comfortable with people".

"But I am comfortable with few and I am okay with it" he argued. She rolled her eyes walking past him entering into the bedroom.

"Of course you are, all you ever do is work and work and work, and barely interact with people".

He sighed knowing if he were to answer her they'd stay up all night arguing so he gave in, "I will try baby" he moved closer to her wrapping her in his arms.

"I will try" he muttered kissing her hair.

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