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I'd rather risk everything than not have
You, right here beside me.



Evelyn took a look at herself for the fifth time that evening, they were supposed to have dinner with the Williams. Her nerves are all over the place, William will be there, her fiancé will be there Jenna will be there.

"Evelyn.. Oh my!" her mother exclaimed taking in her daughter's appearance. "You look, what is right word? You look magnificent baby" she said smiling softly.

"You think so, I think it's a bit much don't you think?"

"Nonsense, you look beautiful Jacob won't be able to keep his hands off" she winked playfully at her. Evelyn cheeks burned.

"Gross mom, I refuse to have an image painted in my head". She smiled softly at her, somehow her worried are gradually fading off.


Evelyn bit her lips nervously out of habit something she normally do when she's nervous either she bit her lips or fidget with her fingers.

"Baby" Jacob's hand placed on thigh giving it a gently squeeze. "You okay"? When she looked up she saw everyone's eyes on her.

She cleared her throat shifting awkwardly "I am sorry, I am fine".

"You sure baby"? Jacob asked again his hand still on her thigh. "Yeah" she replied taking a bite of her food, leaving his hand on thigh.

"How's the wedding preparations coming Mr Jacob"? William asked out of blue, if not she had swallowed her food she would have chock on it.

"Great really" Jacob replied, squeezing her thigh sending her a heart melting smile, that same smile she fell for. She smiled softly averting her gaze which landed on William, his eyes was watching her more like glaring at her.

She quickly avert her gaze her food suddenly become the best thing to look at.

"Eve tell William how you met with Jacob". Jenna spoke for the first time since they started eating.

Evelyn groaned inwardly. "It's nothing to talk about really" she wished she'd drop the issue and talk about something else.

"Oh. It's definitely something to talk about" Jacob quipped. "Actually it's the best thing that happened to me" again his was staring at her. She couldn't help but blush at that statement.

"Had it been you didn't run into me and stain my shirt with your favorite drink, I wouldn't be here with you, or about to have you all to myself". She heard William growled, while Jenna awed at them.

"That's beautiful right Will"? Jenna asked William who only nodded. Evelyn cleared her throat. "Well, thanks for dinner we should call it a night".

"Leaving so soon? I haven't have my desert" William said making her inhale sharply, that bastard. With no fucking respect even when his wife is was present.

"Yeah, what's the hurry Eve, my baby haven't had his desert yet". She watched as Jenna rubbed her stomach. Instantly Evelyn felt like throwing up, she fucked this woman's husband. Oh lord.

She quickly mumbled an 'excuse me' and hurriedly walk to the restroom.

She placed her hand on the wall breathing heavily. What the hell is wrong with her, God. She wasn't brought up that way, hell she despises people who....

The door suddenly open as William walked in she backed away instantly her heart started beating fast.

He smiled moving closer to her, she continued backing away until her back hit the wall.

He placed his hands into his pocket, staring at her shamelessly eye fucking her. She felt herself getting turned on by the way his eyes was fucking her. "Ms Evelyn" one second his hands were tucked in his pockets the next they were gripping her waist.

She gasped her eyes widened in their current position. "You fucking make me want to nuts in my pants, every time I see you" he growled, placing kisses along her neck. She stifled a moan trying not to dwell on how his hands felt on her body or how his hand was dangerously getting close to her core.

"Mr William.. You, oh shit" she moaned as he sucked on her spot. She found herself gripping him.

This is wrong her inner voice chidded.

"Mr William, you have to stop" she gathered so much courage and pryed him off her body. His eyes were dark clouded with lust.

"You have to stop" she said thanking God silently for not stuttering.

"You said one time thing and now it's....".

"Baby, are you okay in there"?

Holy fucking shit she mumbled.

"Yeah" she cleared her throat "Be out in a minute".

"Oh okay, take your time be careful" before she heard his retreating steps. Evelyn turned around and face William. "Mr William this is so wrong, it can't go on" without waiting for his reply she fixed herself and head out.

But somehow she knew deep down, she'd come back and have him fuck her.


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